Working part time in the heating and cooling industry

I am working away just like all of the other days in my life for the past 40 years.

Wow, it’s a wonder I am getting tired of working all of the time after 40 years in the game.

It is actually more like 42 years because I started working part time when I was 14 years old when I got into the restaurant work as a busboy and salad prep worker. I think I am good for a few more years before hanging up my HVAC worker hat, as I only work part time again for the heating supplier and could do so for the rest of my life if I wanted. I will have some money each month when I turn 62 and start collecting some SS benefits, but my HVAC expert friend said don’t count on that money. I think it will be fine and that I will get the $1000 a month like they say I will, but I guess we have to wait a few more years to really know the truth. I don’t think working on space heaters and cooling technology when I am an old man would be a bad thing, afterall it is pretty easy for me to do after so many years in the HVAC system field. I could just work ten hours a week or so and make enough to pay for most of my bills if I am living overseas here where it’s cheaper. The heating provider pays me well and I could just do some heating maintenance each week and be someone’s assistant helper.


Working part time in the heating and cooling industry

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