It was a hot trip

I know that a lot of people really love the heat, but I’m just not one of those people.

Last week, my husband and I had to go down South to attend a funeral for one of my beloved aunts who had passed away.

Neither one of us really wanted to go down there during the heat of the summertime, but I couldn’t bear to think about missing my aunt’s funeral. I really wanted to go and hang out with my cousins and my family so that we could talk about her and grieve together. I think that that kind of thing is very important when you lose someone in your life. Talking about them and grieving along with other people who love them is a really important part of grieving, I think. Anyway, we did not really want to go down there where we knew the temperatures were going to be super high, but we decided that we would go anyway and just try to stay in the air conditioning as much as possible. We ran the air conditioning in our car just about on full blast the whole time that we were traveling. Then once we got there, the A/C did not seem like it was working all that well anymore. I don’t know if we used up all of the coolant in the car air conditioning system or if it just froze up or something. Or maybe it just could not keep up with the heat that was outside. Anyway, we started to get hot and the humidity down there is nothing to joke about. It’s really terrible. Thank goodness that the hotel that we stayed in had a really good central air conditioning system that we were able to use the whole time.


heating and cooling service

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