We are so energy efficient now, we put energy back onto the grid

Lately, I have been learning about energy efficient HVAC systems and green technology in general.

My wife and I have been talking about doing all sorts of things.

We have a good amount of land so we thought maybe we could install windmills and solar panels for getting off the grid. We didn’t enjoy having to pay for expensive energy bills each month, but we figured that was something everybody had to do. That is except for the people who choose to invest in their own energy creating supplies like solar panels! So the solar panels were actually the first thing we went for. We considered the wind mills, but realized it wasn’t windy enough in our location for them to help well enough. The solar panels have been working beautifully though. Then we realized that we could use a more energy efficient HVAC system. I wanted to know what was the best and the HVAC professional told us that a geothermal system was the way to go especially if we wanted to invest in green energy. We learned about how underneath the ground, you are able to access stable heating energy which allows you to use a geothermal heat pump throughout the year. You can use it for your cooling and heating needs alike, and these systems will last a very long time with minimal maintenance requirements. This sounded wonderful to me and the best thing was that it was the most energy efficient HVAC system around. We had this installed and before we knew it, we were getting paid by the electric company because we were putting unused energy back onto the grid!



Heating and air conditioning

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