How dad’s retirement affected the business success

This became an issue when dad retired and left the business

I have worked with my dad for years in the HVAC industry and have gained a lot of experience along the way. My dad has been a perfect mentor who started when the industry in our town was barely picking up. He had been here when people truly needed him and he was one of the few HVAC specialists that many people in our town could trust. I had always worked in his shadows for the twenty years that I partnered with him. Dad had worked for 40 years and would occasionally let me handle major projects such as commercial installations, like the air conditioning unit we installed at the mayor’s office. However, many of his old-time clients still felt that he was the voice and face of the company and many would not work with me without his authorization. Dad had tried to introduce me to the business and make me well known but it was difficult. Only the newcomers instantly accepted me because they did not know what to expect. Unfortunately, the largest clientele we had was the old-folk group. This became an issue when dad retired and left the business. I have heard to build a name for myself by convincing them that I can equally do what dad used to. Several times I even offered to deliver services with no pay just to convince them that I am great at what I do. Fortunately, slowly they have accepted this and are warming up to the idea of a different Johnson face.

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