I put my essential oil diffuser near my HVAC air return

I never thought that I would become obsessed with essential oils like I am now.

I always bought and burned candles in my apartment, especially during the winter holidays.

My closet is full of boxes of votive and tea light candles in various scents from pine to peppermint. Although organic candles don’t have any potentially toxic fillers, they’re also a lot more expensive to purchase than the cheap ones with synthetic ingredients. If you use these candles daily, you could end up developing an expensive habit that rivals some drug addictions in cost. Discovering essential oils couldn’t have come at a better time because my rent increased and my salary hasn’t budged in over two years. I bought an essential oil diffuser for $20 and have become enamored with the affordable $6 bottles of oil at the local supercenter. They are sometimes equal in quality to the $20 bottles of “premium” oil, and they tend to last for weeks if I rotate them. Recently I learned that I can get the aromas to circulate throughout my entire house if I put the diffuser near my air return. Whenever the air conditioner starts to cycle, it pulls the oil vapors into the ductwork and then redistributes it to every room. By the time the air conditioner is finished with its cycle, you will have a pleasant essential oil aroma in every room. This prevents having to put oil directly on my air conditioner filters, which I’m not fond of doing. It’s so much easier to just strategically place my oil diffuser so the vapors get into the HVAC air return.

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