Knocked out allergies with air purification

While I love this time of year because the unrelenting heat is beginning to fade a bit, a seasonal nemesis still lurks. And that would be the ragweed or whatever else tends to bloom this time of year in our region. The beginning of spring and the end of summer are my most allergic times of the year. But this year was different thanks to the HVAC company and air purification. After years and years of complaining and whining about the effects pollen had on me, I finally did something about it. Sure, I take the OTC meds to battle the symptoms. It just seemed to me that I should be able to take refuge from the pollen or whatever inside my house. But alas, that stuff definitely follows me in the house. It might not be as bad as the full measure I get when outside, but it’s close. Then I learned about whole home air purification. This is an air purifier which actually sits inside the HVAC equipment and cleans the air. When I say clean, I mean eliminate all the airborne contaminants like pollen and other allergens. It simple destroys the allergen DNA using UV light. The whole home air purification system went in last winter. The spring was remarkable because I didn’t just sit and suffer in my home. The air conditioning was actually helping me breathe easier, kill the pollen and drastically improve my allergy symptoms. The same thing is happening now that the late summer round of pollen is hitting. Honestly, I just wish I had known what air purification could do sooner. I certainly wouldn’t have been dealing with allergy issues inside my home.


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