The downside of using air conditioning during a lightning storm

Spring and summer seasons are famous for tepid weather that has lots of humidity.

At the same time, everyone is aware chances of rain and thunderstorms are high.

So, it’s better to avoid using the air conditioning at that time until the extreme weather is over. Lightning strikes are known to cause lots of harm to the AC system when you use it at that time. Even though lightning harming a beach home isn’t common, if it does take place it can absolutely destroy your quality AC. When lightning strikes, it can translate as much as 5 billion joules of energy through the electrical system of the house. Lightning can also dissolve the plug to your heating system, ruin the control panel and affect the entire system. The control panel is filled with important and delicate electrical circuitry, so it makes sense to turn it off to be safe when lightning hits. Rain alone won’t impact your cooling system. The only moment you would need to be concerned is if the rain was extreme enough to leave a lot of water around the HVAC unit. In that case, it would be smart to shut off your AC system. A humid beach home during a storm can be a nightmare, and unplugging the aircon can be a hassle. However, the brief stage of irritability is much easier to handle than having to buy another HVAC system because lightning ruined the one you have. Once the lightning has stopped, you can switch the AC unit back on. Thunderstorms cause the air temperature to drop significantly. If it’s possible, consider opening the windows and turning on all ceiling fans to help bring in cooled air in and around your beach home until the storm is done. If you guess your aircon has some problems caused by a drastic storm, you should notify an HVAC mechanic to take a look and see if there’s any destruction due to the thunderstorm.

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