The EPA has banned the manufacturing and distribution of R22 refrigerant in the US

Anyone using a central cooling and heating unit that works with R22 refrigerant, an ozone destroying substance, is in for a startle during a succeeding HVAC maintenance date.

  • Starting January 1, 2020, production and buying of R22 refrigerants will be a criminal act in the US.

If the HVAC system or heat pump must undergo repairs that involve refrigerant, you may have to choose between a substantial refrigerant bill and a system substitution. Aside from continuing repair necessities for existing Ac units, the ban on making or importing of R22 is functioning. The EPA also halted the manufacture and sale of new R22 HVAC units or heat pumps. THis move led to manufacturers of air conditioning systems redesigned them in order to accommodate R410A. If your air conditioner was made and set up before January 1, 2012, there’s a higher chance it only functions with R22 refrigerant. Most have an indicator on it that notes the type of refrigerant to fill it with. Because of a shrinking amount of R22 refrigerant, it is becoming high-priced. As the supply becomes minute, you may end up remunerating more for HVAC servicing that requires R22 refrigerant. It’s cheaper to pay half the amount on a new heat pump or AC unit. Just be aware that aircons and heat pumps never consume refrigerant. Refrigerant simply moves through a carry-on series of coils. If an HVAC mechanic suspects a spill, they should note it and mend the refrigerant leak rather than topping off a leaking air conditioning unit. The next time you want to get a new AC to substitute the old one, you will get one using R410A refrigerant and save cash. The accessibility of it is better than the delivery of R22 refrigerant.

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