No allergies inside with air purification

I have to say that this past spring was so good that I am actually looking forward to every spring.

This is a very new perspective for me because normally, I have a bit of dread when it comes to spring.

It’s really sort of weird. While I’m very glad to see the gas furnace use dwindle the closer we get to spring, I know that allergies are around the corner. Since I was a little kid, I’ve dealt with seasonal allergies. And not even being inside the heating and cooling comfort of my home has helped. That’s because when the air is saturated with pollen, it gets inside the house as well. I love when things get green but I hate what it does to my respiratory system. Well, this past spring was the first time that I could retreat into my home to avoid pollen. This is because we had a whole home air purification system installed inside the HVAC equipment. This air purifier actually works with the HVAC unit to clean the air. The whole home air purification system uses UV light to destroy the DNA of every airborne contaminant that comes into the HVAC air handler. That means that the pollen in the air is just zapped. And this means I don’t have to deal with the allergy symptoms inside my house the way I do when I’m outside. Considering I work from home, this is a very big deal for me. Plus, I can honestly say that I totally enjoyed everything about spring for the first time this year.

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