Adjustment to northern climate comes with a bunch of HVAC heating

I know that there will be a white Christmas in store for us again this year

I’m so not going to lie like I do to my friends from down south. Moving to the north proved far more difficult than I really ever could have imagined. Of course, I tend to keep that to myself when I’m on the phone or visiting with old friends from where I was born and raised. It’s been more than a decade since I left all that HVAC cooling to come to the north and freeze my butt of during the winter. As a southern girl, winter meant having to wear shoes more instead of my ever present flip flops. Additionally, the heat pump might come on a few times over the course of the winter months. This was cause for great alarm as then I normally had to break out sweaters and pants. This was the winter that I was accustomed to. So, you can only imagine what it was like when I first got up here and faced a winter that starts in mid to late October and then extends through all of March and often, most of April. It was a long and difficult learning curve to go from occasional heating from the heat pump to have the gas furnace run near nonstop. I still miss those mild winters and I hope to one day enjoy them again. However, I have the joy of having the love of my life and a young family to raise here in all this HVAC heating. This time of year almost makes all the cold worth it. I know that there will be a white Christmas in store for us again this year. And that is truly magical. I also know that it will come with plenty of HVAC heating from our awesome HVAC equipment.
Air quality systems

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