The HVAC should be comfortable, I think

It was a mystery to me for such a long time, I can admit.

But I am the sort that is legitimately sensitive to HVAC settings and all sorts of indoor temperatures in general.

I tend to be the one that is chilly when our wife feels perfectly warm and comfortable. And that seems to be the case more often than not. I find myself often being chilly indoors a lot of the time. Even in the summer, the HVAC cooling can be just too damn much for me. The Winter time is our toughest time and I tend to want more from the central HVAC heating than is good for our budget. My wife is a dear human and puts up with all of this HVAC setting micromanagement. Her only thing is that she sincerely wants to be comfortable when he’s sleeping. That comfort tends to be more on the cool side of the spectrum. But the two of us manage and our house is relatively comfortable. That’s exactly why it has always puzzled me that the nurse’s office is so incredibly cold. It’s always chilly for me in there whether the season is Winter time or summer. I don’t like going to the nurse for any reason, anyway and the fact that it’s so chilly in there is just one less motivating factor for me to dread it. Finally, I asked about it. And I was sort of stunned by the answer. The nurse honestly told me that the chilly temperatures were by design and not just me. Whenever the air is warmer, the air is more humid. That bit of added humidity is what bacteria and viruses need to proliferate. So, it’s certainly like they are looking after the patients with that low HVAC setting.

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