When I was fourteen, our friends plus I found an old shack behind our house, however it was about 300 yards from our house, deep in the wooded area of the forest… My friends plus I spent the whole summer time cleaning up the site, so the people I was with and I could call it our own fort, no one however us knew it existed, which made it even more cooler, when our parents asked where the people I was with and I were headed all morning, the people I was with and I told them the people I was with and I were building a fort in the woods! This old shack was pretty crucial in size, with more than one rooms plus a dilapidated roof.
There were cracks in the ceiling, where the people I was with and I could see the tree branches overhead, and every one of us found some old tarps in the junkyard, plus fixed up the roof plus the floors.
When the weather started to get colder, the people I was with and I were freezing without a heater. There was no way to heat our new clubhouse, plus it was downright chilly inside. Every one of us used an old tire rim to build a wood fireplace in the middle of the entryway area. My Dad saw the smoke in the woods plus decided to check it out, however he found us plus our clubhouse. He was easily impressed with our find plus our craftsmanship. My Dad had some old extension cords in the garage. He hooked them up to each other, to form one genuinely long cord. He went to the hardware store plus bought us a small space gas furnace for the clubhouse. My Dad told us to use the space gas furnace instead of making a fire. He was sad about our safety. The small space gas furnace wasn’t much bigger than our Xbox, however it easily heated the area nicely.