All of us have numerous more hours till sunset plus normally on Tuesdays there are some good players that come out to play. I can’t play though because I am trying to rehab my shoulders from the injuries I sustained while playing last summer. I had so much fun playing but did some injure to my shoulders which I hope I can maintenance myself. I am going to get numerous MRIs next week of my shoulders to finally see what I did to them; I’m sure they are going to tell me that I must get surgery to repair them but we’ll see. I want to get some new window film put on my kitchen windows to provide me a little more privacy but I’m not sure my shoulders will be able to do it. I need to get them better because I use my shoulders for just about everything I do plus I am tired of the constant sharp pains. I assume there is a commercial window film replacement store that also does residential jobs while I was in the slow time in the Wintertide such as now. Wintertide is a good time to get deals on a lot of odd things in my town because both of us are mainly a tourist town plus in the Wintertide it is a ghost town here. I assume I may look into sun control window film along with privacy so I can cut down on my cooling costs in the summer. The sun blasts through my windows plus heats up my kitchen floor to the point that it becomes a furnace in itself.