It’s all about who you know

If you guess the right person, you can get anything done.

Once I had a major car issue late at night on a Wednesday, just before a holiday, and I thought I was screwed.

A friend of mine said he knew a guy who could help me. After a quick iPhone call, I went to an overnight garage, where there was a full crew of car mechanics working graveyard shift. They were able to hook myself and others up and I drove away within numerous minutes… all because of knowing the right person. Some weeks ago I had a similar experience involving our central HVAC system, 1 that was only recently resolved. It seems that the previous owners to this condo had managed their own HVAC idea over the years. Instead of having it done by professionals, they had tinkered with the a/c and the gas furnace and modified them in their own ways. What this meant now, after several years of experimentation, was that the central HVAC idea was a Frankenstein’s monster of parts and pieces from peculiar systems. None of the HVAC techs I talked to would help myself and others out, their own response was that I needed a completely new system. Finally I talked to a friend of a friend, who had his own history with custom-building air conditionings. He was a weirdo and a stoner, but was also amazing with chopping down and rebuilding old cooling systems. I still could not afford a completely new HVAC system, I just needed this old rickety pile of junk to start working again!

space heater

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