I own a small online news company and need IT system maintenance

Right now I need serious IT system maintenance because I don’t have a dedicated IT person hired for continuous work

It wasn’t until my senior year of high school that I seriously started considering the life of a news journalist someday. We had a school newspaper and I was tasked with doing many of the stories that ended up inside. While I entered the club with a sour attitude and assumed I would hate every second of it, I left with a closer understanding of what I wanted to do in life. I also started to formulate a list of colleges I could apply to that cover this education program. The first school that I wanted to attend didn’t have a journalism program. Imagine finding a fantastic liberal arts college in the same county as your hometown, only to find out that they don’t even have a creative writing or journalism program. My only choice in that case would have been studying Russian, English, French, Spanish, German, Italian, Chinese, or American Literature. That’s not exactly the most conductive education for someone seeking a staff writer position at a city newspaper. Unfortunately, I had to attend a large state school instead. On the other hand, their journalism school got me a job right out of college. I worked my way through a series of positions until I went out on my own to create a small online news company that focuses on younger generations in this city. I have a few employees in our offices downtown. Right now I need serious IT system maintenance because I don’t have a dedicated IT person hired for continuous work. I also need to speak with someone about building system integration so I can control my HVAC, lights, and security system all within the same interface.

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