What is a Furnace and How Does it Heat the Air?

If you have ever wondered how your oil furnace works to heat your home, you are not alone.

It’s a correct question, and understanding the answer can help you to better maintain your oil furnace and keep your cabin comfortable all Winter time long.

Basically, oil gas furnaces work by circulating heated air through your home. The oil furnace unit itself contains a heating element that is powered by either natural gas or electricity. When the oil furnace is turned on, the heating element heats up and starts to circulate the air. The oil furnace is attached to your HVAC system, which stands for heating, ventilation, and air conditioner. The HVAC system is responsible for circulating both warm and cool air throughout your home, depending on the season. In the summer, the A/C unit will disattach excess heat from the air, during the winter, the oil furnace will add warmth. If you have a heat pump, it will also be attached to your HVAC system. Heat pumps are used to move heat from one section to another, and they can be used for both heating and cooling purposes. In the winter, heat pumps move heat from the outside air into your home, and in the summer, they do the reverse by removing heat from your cabin and releasing it outdoors. Smart thermostats are also often attached to HVAC systems and have replaced the old dial thermostats of the past. These devices can be used to control the temperature of your cabin automatically, based on your number one settings. That means you shall never have to worry about coming cabin to a chilly house again!


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