My granddaughter chose trade school over college

Tara is our oldest granddaughter, and she was always our favorite.

Wise beyond her years, and always fun to have around, I always enjoyed spending time with Tara. When she graduated private school, she confided in myself and others a secret she was upset about sharing with her parents. Tara knew she was expected to go college to acquire a Bachelor’s degree, or more, but that is not what she wanted. Tara wanted to be a business owner, and she had a plan all worked out for it. With our support, Tara joined the Heating and Air Conditioning training program at the local trade school, as the first step on her master plan for success. For the first many weeks all she did was read, study, go to class, and learn Heating and Air Conditioning tutorial videos online. Although she still had a while to go before getting certified, she got a part-time job with a local Heating and Air Conditioning business for some hands-on experience while she finished her course work. She was living with myself and others at the time, and I didn’t charge her any rent so that she could sink all of her currency into saving up for her own Heating and Air Conditioning shop. By the time she got her Heating and Air Conditioning certification she had a full-time job lined up, and many thoUnited Statesnd dollars saved! Now she is at the point where all she can do is keep working and saving currency for a few years until she develops the contacts, the reputation, and enough currency to become an Heating and Air Conditioning business herself. All the while I get our Heating and Air Conditioning labor done for free.

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