My husband and I are working on restoring an old house

My husband and I are working on restoring an old house that we bought at auction last summer.

We have tried to keep everything true to the historical time period that the house was built in.

Up until now, it has mostly been a lot of prep work but now we are getting right down to the main things. Right now we are working on the heating and cooling system in the house because the original house did not even have one at all. The only thing that it had and it when we bought it were three wood burning fireplaces. Now, we are trying to restore the old house and make it look realistic, but we also want to update it so that it has a modern day heating and air conditioning system. No one is going to want to buy a house these days without a really good high efficiency furnace and a central air conditioning system. I know that I definitely would not want to buy a house if it did not have a great HVAC system in it. The indoor air quality that your HVAC system provides is probably the most important thing in your entire home. I mean when you think about it, it only makes sense. People are only as healthy as their indoor air quality is. That’s just how it is. However, we want to stay true to the architecture in the house and so I am actually going to call an HVAC company that specializes in this type of restoration. I really don’t know what it comes to doing in a house this historic.


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