Is Electric Heating Cheaper Than Air Conditioning?

Well, I just looked on Google for the answer and it isn’t so promising.

It said that heating a beach house uses about five times the amount that cooling uses so it looks like my power bills will go even higher.

I need to find another solution because the winters here can be brutally cold. Maybe I’ll just have to wear more clothes in the beach house and grin and bear it because there is no way I can afford heating bills of $2400 over numerous weeks. I don’t know how people are going to survive the winter when their incomes are barely enough to pay the rent. I will go and talk with the heating and cooling provider near my flat for some answers, however the people I was with and I still have a couple of weeks till the cold season is upon us. I may have to let my cats sleep with me in the evening so we all can all stay sizzling warm this winter. I know they don’t mind because they have a fur coat on that acts as a nice (and cheap) heating device. I will do some research online and look for ways to save cash this winter with heating the house. This locale is absolutely well insulated so I won’t have to heat it too much to get some comfort. Maybe radiant heated floors would be cheaper than using the main heating and air conditioning unit to warm the flat, however I’m not sure that they would heat it up enough here. Maybe I’ll just sleep in the sun next to my sizable sliding glass door.

Steam boiler

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