The humidity damaged all of the old cards

The cards looked about the same

When my grandpa died, my mom told me that there was an old baseball card collection somewhere in the house. She really didn’t know where all the old cards were stored, but she knew that they were somewhere within the four walls. My grandfather showed her the card collection about 10 years ago and some of the cards were worth a lot of money. My mom tried to get him to sell the cards then, but he was stingy and wanted to hoard them. I looked all over the house for those old cards. My mom thought the collection might be worth $5,000 or $10,000 due to the amount of rookie cards that were inside of the little plastic sheets. We started in the attic. We had a lot of junk to search through and we had to clean everything up and get the house ready to sell. We moved room by room through the house cleaning everything while still looking for the card collection. I finally found the cards outside on the front porch. They were underneath some old records that were damaged very badly from the Heat and humidity. The records were warped and wavy. The cards looked about the same. The humidity damaged all of those old cards. My grandfather didn’t bother to put the cards in the house where the air conditioner would have kept them safe. Most of the cards were worthless after the heat damage and the ones that could have been worth a lot of money had been sold some time in the last 10 years.


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