I couldn't decide which air conditioner to get

My wife and I recently bought our second home, and we have been wanting to update it exactly like our dream home.

Well this might be our second time being homeowners, we didn’t really get to decorate our first home the way that we wanted to due to financial limitations.

However, now the two of us are in a much better place and we have a wonderful opportunity now to decorate our home like we’ve always wanted it. The first thing that my wife and I agreed on that we’re going to change is the air conditioning system. This house is pretty old and I wouldn’t blame you if you thought it was 100 years old. But the most modern upgrade this home had was having a heating and AC system installed. However, that was over 40 years ago and it’s now greatly outdated. I’m really surprised that the AC unit works at all! There is no heating system somewhere so we’re going to need to get one of those. The thermostat that is still left in the house is one of those ancient dial thermostats. The two of us have been doing a lot of shopping around at the heating and AC company and looking at all their modern HVAC products that they have available for us. We are for sure spoiled for choice because there are so many to choose from. Once we get the heating and cooling system situation straightened out, we’re going to go and move on to adding insulation to the inside of the walls. The nights inside the house are freezing cold and it’s just because of how many drafts the house has, as well as a lack of proper insulation. There is a lot of home improvement to be done but we are very optimistic about this house.

heat pump repair

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