Some people are too noisy

I really don’t like it when people are just unnecessarily loud! You know the kind of people who just make a racket, talk loud and it is all not needed, and this was the case when my neighbor was having some job done on their heating and air conditioning the other day.

The heat and air conditioning workers from the heating and air conditioning supplier that they hired were loud as hell! They were banging things and talking super loud, however really it was not needed.

The banging was not your respected heating and air conditioning job either. It was slamming things around in the heating and air conditioning truck, yelling across the way to each other and just generally being a bunch of annoying idiots. I entirely can not rest people like that. It was almost as if the heating and air conditioning workers from the heating and air conditioning supplier were doing it just to annoy the city. I wanted to go out there and say something, but these were really big guys and looked like the type that would beat the crap out of you just for looking at them the wrong way, then a real uncomfortable feeling, then when they were finally done now working on the heating and air conditioning I did but go over to my neighbor to see what they had to say about it. And they were one hundred and ten percent in agreement with me, but they needed their heating and air conditioning worked on so they put up with it the same way that I did.



a/c worker

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