I use my fan as a portable ac machine

I really look pretty unusual carrying a gigantic fan around with me.

The reason is because it is in the middle of summer, and my air conditioning component died last night.

There is no way that I could entirely go without cooling during the Summer heat. Here, it is absolutely usual for the temperatures to go into over one hundred. Since I don’t have a portable air conditioning yet, I am using my fan as a cooling machine. I want to buy a portable A/C device in the future, however for now I am using my box fan as a cooling device. I keep the ceiling fans on and my box fan on, and my apartment stays mostly cool because of it, but even though my apartment is staying cool, I guess that it won’t last for long. As the temperature rises outside, my apartment is going to keep heating up, and my fans can only do so much. I truly need to have my central air conditioning program back to working again. I called a local air conditioning dealer, and they have me on their list for a stressed appointment, however since they are so tied up right now, the appointment is not for another 2 weeks! I only hope that my fans will continue to hold and cool my apartment while I wait for the cooling program to be repaired. Eventually I would love to get a portable air conditioning, although I need to wait until I get paid before I can afford something love that.

cooling and heating business

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