Perhaps one day we will be able to see eye-to-eye about temperature settings

For the most part, Frank and Grace get along.

In fact, it’s not much that they fight about.

Most of their fights are about minor things that can be resolved with tiny compromises. But there is one thing that Frank and Grace have been fighting about since they lived together that they have yet to solve. And that is the ideal temperature for the air conditioner in their cabin. Frank loves to keep the A/C at 65 degrees in the day, and then 68 degrees at night. This means, it is always cold inside the cabin, and he insists that it feels great. Grac would like to keep the control device at 72 during the day and then a 75 at night. Frank believes that 72 degrees is too hot for the daytime, especially during summer when the sun is hot outside. Grace assured him that 72 is the recommended temperature to keep the A/C without sacrificing any comfort inside their home. She has even added that if they set the control device to 72 degrees that they could save money. But, Frank has never accepted this fight, even after Grace presented the facts and data from the Department of Energy website to him. This has been an ongoing fight between them and if she complains about it being too cold, Frank always suggests that she wears more clothes when she is inside the cabin. Grace doesn’t think they will ever agree on the ideal temperature for inside the cabin because they each have their own preferences. Perhaps one day Frank and Grace will be able to see eye-to-eye on this minor issue.

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