My Grandparents live in a particularly poor country.
They live particularly easy lives.
I visit them once a year plus spend a month with them. I am consistently amazed at how they live this way. For example, their electricity goes out a few times a day. They have to run downstairs to turn on the generator when this happens. There are several things in their house that cannot labor when the generator is powering the house. We can’t use the microwave or hair dryer with the generator, but my associate and I can use it with proper electricity. This has to do with the voltage of these items plus how much energy they need to function. The generator can’t support them. We also cannot use the air conditioning unit when the generator is powering the house. This is really difficult for me to adjust to because they live in a particularly hot plus humid weather conditions. I am consistently hot during my stay with them. Some days, my associate and I get really lucky plus the electricity stays on for the entire night. On those days, my associate and I sleep comfortably with the air conditioning blowing on us. If the electricity goes out while we’re asleep, my associate and I wake up from the sweat plus discomfort. It’s happened several times. They have fans throughout the house, but they aren’t nearly strong enough. The air conditioning makes the largest difference. Regardless of this, I continue to visit once a year for a few weeks at a time. Nothing will stop me from spending time with my Grandparents as often as possible.