It is really cold in my office as I write.
My fingers and hands are really cold and I may need some heat soon or I won’t be able to type too fast.
This morning my shares are up 11% from the good news last night at the shareholders meeting. It looks like we are finally going to begin production in four weeks and it should finally take off after a year or so of tumbling. This company started in 2014, for the manufacturing of electric vehicles, and only now after nine long years will they finally begin production. Heating and cooling system issues slowed down the start date, but now the HVAC techs finally got it fixed and they are going to be making some money. I have 10K shares and if it hits its target price of $10 at some point then I will be a happy camper. I like the fact that the HVAC systems in the cars are good for the environment, as the air conditioner in the car is a new system that doesn’t emit any greenhouse gasses. March is going to be a good month for the stock I believe, and it should keep getting better from there as they sell cars and make some cash. I like the newer HVAC technology and how efficient it has become over the years with the heating and cooling using very little energy compared to long ago. I guess time will tell what is going to happen with this company, but I have a feeling it is going to be good from here.