Hungry for dinner at the local business

I haven’t had much pizza at all anymore after moving from that city, and it is a superb thing because I was gaining a lot of weight from the slices

Some people call it dinner here, however eating a croissant and a cup of pop is more of a treat for me. They have these mini chocolate croissants here in the bakery, three for a dollar, and they taste so superb it is hard to stop at three. I only have them about once every four or five months because they put weight on you very suddenly if you eat them too often. I see some people eating them every single afternoon when they stop in for coffee, however if I did that I would be big like a commercial air conditioner in a mall. I had the same problem when living in the big city near here with the pizza slices, however they tasted so superb and were so simple to eat that they became a problem for me. The local contractor would sell a slice for $1 and you could rest in air conditioned luxury while you ate your slice in peace. I haven’t had much pizza at all anymore after moving from that city, and it is a superb thing because I was gaining a lot of weight from the slices. I do a lot of a/c service nowadays for some of the local businesses, and it keeps me on my feet a lot, which also keeps the weight off of me. The more I walk and transfer around the lighter I get, so I am going to keep moving till the day I die haha. Okay, time to buy a HEPA filter and change the thing.


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