I woke up when my A/C system quit working

It’s probably a good thing that the A/C system quit running last night.

  • I actually had to wake up early for work and I adjusted the clocks for daylight savings.

Well, early this morning the A/C system quit working and I woke up because I was starting to sweat. I looked at the thermostat and realized that the batteries had died. So I replaced the batteries and I was able to get the A/C system cranked up again. That’s when I looked at the clock in my room and realized that it was way off! It was already showing 9am and it was actually more like 3am. I had to adjust the clock so that I would be able to get up at the right time in the morning. And to think if it wasn’t for that thermostat dying and causing the A/C to shut off, I would have never gotten up on time. I told my buddy about what happened when I got to work and he laughed out loud. He laughed so loud that other people were curious as to what was going on. Then everybody was laughing and I told everybody it was all over now and to get back to work. Admittedly though, it was kind of funny how that worked out. But still, my boss would have killed me if I showed up late to work. I don’t think he would have fired me, but I would have looked bad and I would have been reprimanded. That’s never a comfortable experience.


Cooling system

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