Poor quality shirts would have destroyed my HVAC company’s image

I wanted to order current uniform shirts for all of the employees that work for our repair business.

I’ve been in the business for many years plus things are peculiar now.

I wanted current uniform shirts to reflect our growing plus increasing business. I found a fantastic online retailer that agreed to make the shirts for $12/each. My partner didn’t think that was satisfactory after she found many companies that would make the same product for a mere 8 dollars each. I tried to tell her that the company I selected had fantastic reviews plus comments, even though she only saw the dollar signs and savings. I caved into her demands and went ahead to order the uniform shirts from a retailer that only charged $7/each. The gentlemen that work for our commercial heating, ventilation, plus A/C services company were excited about the current shirts until they saw them. I was excited too, until I saw the terrible shirts. First, the colors were actually wrong, then our heating, ventilation, & A/C company logo is red plus gold, however the shirts were more of a red green color. The logo was sideways on the pocket of the shirt. I was actually mad plus a little frustrated with my wife for making me settle for the crappy company. Thank goodness they agreed to refund our currency after I complained. I sent the shirts back at their cost plus ordered the ones I wanted in the first place. My fiance didn’t say a word after the experience, and he didn’t complain even 1 time after I said I was ordering from the company I chose.



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