Pranking my mother using a programmable thermostat

My mum had been away at a work conference for about a week.

This was when the last lockdown was lifted.

I had anxiety about leaving the condo as well as to overcome it, I had started going to the backyard or the neighborhood park in the early afternoons or late mornings when there were not a lot of people. I was watching some online videos when I thought of pranking my mum when she came back. This was just to bring back some fun to my life. I came up with a system to use the regulator for the prank… Mum enjoyed our whole apartment oil furnace, then she had invested a lot in the hybrid heating as well as the most recent heating device, the radiant floors that were just in the lavatorys as well as in the basement. The HVAC supplier had recently run a maintenance check on the fireplace mum had built in the sitting area. The prank was to use the voice-controlled programmable thermostat to lower the temperatures so she would think there was a problem with the two devices. Since mum was in the sitting area, I lowered the temperatures of the gas fireplace first as well as moved to the hybrid oil furnace. Mum got so freezing that she was about to contact the HVAC professional for help with indoor comfort when I turned on the heat again. After a while, I reduced the temperature. The yoyo effect got mum calling the neighbor to help give the required heating as well as cooling services. When the HVAC techs mentioned that they were headed to the provider with the request to purchase a ductless multi-break unit, all of us were a little surprised as all of us had recently replaced our unit. The prank worked but I got grounded for it.

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