This winter will be different when it comes to HVAC heating

Enough was enough.

After three winters up here, I’m finally done with just sitting by while I’m paying huge heating bills.

It’s just dumb to not at least be proactive and do the best I can to save a bit of money when it comes to those heating costs. The last few winters, I wasn’t so vigilant when it came to winter preparations and getting the house right for winter. But now that I’ve been here three winters and going into my fourth, it was time for a change. I’m really glad I ended up buying this house when I did. When I came up here to house hunt prior to moving, I was only given about five days to meet with realtors and get it done. If I couldn’t get it done in that amount of time, I was just going to rent. But I did find this place and had just gotten a total central air conditioning upgrade. This upgrade included a gas furnace which would turn out to be a saving grace. Of course, this all happened right before the real estate market went berserk. Now I couldn’t even get close to touching this place for the price I paid. It looks like I’m going to be here for a while longer as well. So I’m going to make sure that I have this house prepared for the winter this year. I just took some time during the fall to be sure that I tightened up the house as much as possible. A tight house keeps the HVAC heating in and all that cold out.

cooling and heating company

Making decisions is not always self-explanatory

Making decisions about your heating & air conditioning plan is not always self-explanatory… When the Heating & A/C unit that I had had for a long time started acting up, I knew I had a choice to make.

The first thing I could do was to completely update both my heating & air conditioning system, this would be actually luxurious & I entirely did not have the money for it. The hour thing that I could do, would be to just update the air conditioning plan however leave the oil furnace. The main concerns that I was having was with my A/C plan & not my oil furnace, although the heating plan actually should be updated too because it was older & it would not be long before it would actually beginning having concerns as well, but my fifth opportunity was that I could not update them at all & just continue to have them repaired, but however, in 3 weeks I’ve had the heating & A/C worker out more than two times. That’s once a month it seems that my air conditioning plan is cutting down, & the Heating & A/C guy himself told myself and others that I absolutely should consider replacing it! I suppose I absolutely need to, however I’m thinking about just letting it continue to be repaired for just a little bit longer & then focusing on replacing the A/C plan first since that is the main source of my problems, and eventually, I will update the entire Heating & A/C unit.

air quality

I couldn't decide which a/c to get

My fiance plus I recently bought our ninth home, plus both of us have been wanting to update it exactly care about our dream home.

Well this might be our ninth time being homeowners, both of us didn’t entirely get to decorate our first beach house the way that both of us wanted to due to financial limitations.

However, now the 2 of us are in a much better place plus both of us have a charming opening now to decorate our beach house care about we’ve consistently wanted it. The first thing that my fiance plus I agreed on that we are going to change is the air conditioner. This beach house is pretty aged plus I wouldn’t blame you if you thought it was 100 years old, but the most current update this beach house had was having a heating plus A/C program installed. However, that was over 40 years ago plus it’s now greatly aged. I am entirely surprised that the A/C component works at all! There is no heating program anywhere so we are going to need to get a single of those. The temperature control that is still left in the beach house is a single of those aged dial temperature controls. The 2 of us have been doing a lot of shopping around at the heating plus A/C company plus looking at all their current Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C products that they have available for us. The two of us are for sure spoiled for choice because there are so many to choose from, however once both of us get the heating plus cooling program situation straightened out, we are going to go plus transfer on to adding insulation to the inside of the walls. The nights inside the beach house are cold frigid plus it’s just because of how many drafts the beach house has, plus a lack of regular insulation. There is a lot of beach house improvement to be done but both of us are honestly optimistic about this house.

heat pump installation

There aren’t enough words when it comes to air purification

I can’t pick just one.

There are just so many things that I just love about our new whole home air purification system.

But gun to my head, I’d have to say it’s the improvement in my overall and respiratory health. That includes the strengthening of my immune response as well. Prior to having the air purification in our home, my husband and I suffered with all sorts of respiratory problems. They weren’t serious but they were nagging. When the indoor air quality of your home is bad, that means airborne contaminants are attacking your respiratory system almost constantly. And that causes the immune system to work overtime to fight off those indoor air attacks. With air purification, I noticed I don’t have a dry cough anymore. Even my husband is dealing with less sinus problems that seemed to have plagued him for the last five or six years. So getting our health back in top form is the biggest benefit for me when it comes to whole home air purification. But a close second is the fact that our home smells so great. This sort of air purifier uses UV light to destroy the DNA of bacteria and other contaminants suspended in the air. So there’s no need for any kind of filter or cleaning a filter. The result is this really wonderful smell that’s both crisp and clean. But what’s not to love when it comes to quality heating and air with a whole home air purification system. Between the health benefits and the perfect indoor aroma, I’d say we hit the bonus round with this sort of air purifier.



Even on a getaway situation, I need great HVAC

I think I’ve really been getting it all wrong for awhile. It finally occurred to me that my wife needs more affection than just a gift and flowers on Valentine’s Day. Man, when we were first married and even before that, I was all romance. Plus, I was quite spontaneous with either shows of affection or little special trips. So where did I go so wrong that I was now online shopping for last minute deals inside the air conditioning in my house? That’s just the worst. And I was shopping for stuff that she might like, not something I knew that she loved. Because I wasn’t engaged enough to really know what she loved. And that’s what was just not acceptable to me. So I decided to change all that. The first thing I did was to call her boss. I wanted to be sure that I cleared a couple of days off as a surprise so she wouldn’t miss anything important. And then, I found a lovely spa getaway and planned a four day weekend. When I showed up inside the commercial HVAC of her office to whisk her away, she really wasn’t sure what to do. She kept asking me if this was real. I even let her set the air conditioning in the car as it was about a three hour drive. When we rolled up to the spa, my wife was basically incredulous. I even got us our own Villa instead of just a normal room. I was pretty amazed that the Villas came with ductless heat pumps. And they produced just the best air conditioning I’ve ever experienced. It made luxury just that much nicer. And my wife and I enjoyed one of the best romantic trips of our entire partnership.


I met a new HVAC technician at my neighbor’s backyard BBQ

I love the neighborhood I’m now living in.

Even though the lots are huge with massive yards, there are a number of homes within a one mile stretch and we are extremely active with one another and have outdoor parties at different homes throughout the year.

It’s nice for my children to have other kids their age to hang out with. We will often host these massive backyard meals with everyone in the neighborhood at one person’s home each weekend during the summer season when the weather is nice outside. Otherwise it’s too cold during the winter here to have BBQs like this with everyone within a one mile radius invited. Aside from giving our kids good opportunities to hang out with their friends, I love meeting new people through my neighbors. It’s an open rule that people are allowed to invite friends and family members to these events since we all contribute food. Recently I met an amazing HVAC technician at our recent neighborhood summer picnic, which was a barbecue in my next door neighbor’s yard this time around. The HVAC technician was the fiance of another neighbor’s daughter. He had just started working in the area and was accepting new clients. I was eager to hire him since I needed a service and maintenance visit for my heating and cooling system. He turned out to be a really trustworthy HVAC technician compared to the last company I dealt with. His prices are extremely competitive compared to the other HVAC companies in town. I’m really grateful that I met him in the first place.


You won’t smell carbon monoxide leaks coming out of your gas furnace

We lost a lovely elderly couple last year because the two of them accidentally left their car running in the garage and forgot to turn it off.

The exhaust fumes leaked into the air handler hanging from the ceiling in the garage and slowly killed them while they were eating their evening meal in the living room.

They were found the following day by their daughter when she went over to visit them. Most of the neighborhood went to their joint funeral and we were all saddened by the event. The old man was one of my favorite people in the area because he showed me how to trim my trees without getting on unsafe ladders. He even lent me his tree trimming tools until I purchased some for myself. After that he showed me how to fix my lawn mower motor because he heard me struggling with it one day. My father was in and out of my life when I was young and I didn’t get a chance to learn a lot of these skills. In some ways the man was a little bit like a surrogate father to me. After that disaster happened, I got extremely paranoid about gas appliances and carbon monoxide. I knew that carbon monoxide is both colorless and odorless so you could get killed by it if you’re not using special electronic carbon monoxide detectors. I owe my life to that lesson because my detector woke me up out of a dead sleep the other night. If I hadn’t gotten paranoid about carbon monoxide following their passing, I probably wouldn’t be alive today to talk about it.


You won’t smell carbon monoxide leaks coming out of your gas furnace

Good food and friends can make for a great evening

My wife and I decided to have a dinner party on Thursday night.

We invited two other couples to join us for an evening of pasta, games, and wine.

Good food and friends can really make for a great evening. I’ve had a lot of great dinner parties with my friends. We play games and talk about arts and the theater. It’s nice to get away from work and not talk about office stuff. My wife and I had a dinner party last Thursday night and things were going great until the air conditioner stopped working. I have no idea what happened, but it started to get warm in our apartment. I thought that it was just due to the oven, but I noticed that the indoor temperature was getting warmer even though the air conditioner was running. I contacted the building supervisor, but the guy was on the other side of the city and wasn’t planning to be back until midnight. He was playing poker with a group of people. He wasn’t going to leave early. I told my friends that we were having problems with the air conditioner and I suggested that we hang out until it was too uncomfortable. I knew we could play games for an hour or two before it was unbearably warm and muggy. To be honest, no one seemed to care that the temperatures were getting warmer and warmer. It was probably never more than 80° in the apartment. Our friends were just getting ready to leave when the supervisor of the building finally showed up to address the problems with the air conditioner.
hvac equipment

When the kids don't do their chores I threaten to take the bedroom AC

Every single person has their own way to parent their children.

Sometimes I threaten the kids with things that I can never actually follow through on.

I threaten to send them to the moon and I sometimes threaten to knock them into next week. Some parents tell their kids that they brought them into this world and they can take them out. I can’t or wouldn’t do any of those things, but it gets my point across when I am angry. The kids make me feel so frustrated and they know how to push all of my buttons. They make me feel crazy some days. One thing that does work is when I threaten to take the bedroom AC away from the kids. We live in a colder climate and summer cooling is not exactly a priority. When it is warm during July, the kids have a bedroom AC unit that they can use. My wife and I also have an AC unit in our bedroom. It makes sleeping a lot more comfortable. When the kids don’t do their chores during the summer, I absolutely threaten to remove the AC unit from their bedroom. They know that when I make a threat, I am serious. I’m not sure that I would ever actually take the cooling unit from their room, because I think that is a little bit like torture. I know they don’t want me to take the machine, because they always end up doing their chores after I go ballistic and start yelling threats that make no sense.

furnace/heater tune-up

I called the AC repair shop after we woke up to the hot house

My husband left for the islands on Tuesday and the kids and I woke up on Wednesday morning to a house that was totally hot and completely uncomfortable.

I knew that the air conditioner wasn’t working at all, because there wasn’t any air coming out of the vents. I didn’t hear the machine running at all. When I looked at the alarm clock, I knew exactly why the air conditioner wasn’t working. There was no power in the house. When the power came on a couple of hours later, the AC unit did not automatically trigger and start working. I turned the thermostat to the off position, we did 90 seconds, and then turned the setting back to the cool position. Nothing seemed to help the AC unit come on, so I decided to contact the repair shop. I had to wait until later that afternoon, because there was a long list of people with AC problems. It was a very hot and humid day, so I decided to sit outside with the kids. We’re lucky to have a pool at the house. In times like these when there is no cool air in the house, it is nice to have a cold and refreshing pool of water in the backyard. The kids played in the water and I hung out by the pool until we had a technician that was available to fix the problems we were having. Thankfully, the issue was not severe. It didn’t take long at all for the knowledgeable AC repairman to fix the problem.

propane boiler