Another round of HVAC maintenance is coming

I am observing indications that spring has indeed arrived.

  • That is fairly easy to see.

There has been a yellow dusting covering nearly everything for the past few weeks. The pollen had arrived, so what I’m seeing now was the next step. When I went outside, I noticed that the trees’ new leaves were only very slightly growing. However, the heat pump’s reprieve will come to an end as a result of all that going green. When did I last hear that thing startup? I’m not exactly sure. It’s entirely possible that I haven’t used the heat pump since the air conditioning system was turned off in late October. I do recall using the space heater one morning, but that is the last instance of a need for heating that I can recall. Well, as spring transitions into summer, the heat pump will once again be pumping out all the cooling we’ll require. Maintenance of the HVAC system goes hand in hand with heat pump activity. In reality, this is the time of year that I prefer to have my air conditioner serviced. Thus, I am assured that the heat pump will function as needed. If you ask me, HVAC seasonal upkeep is simply essential. In addition, I believe that regular HVAC maintenance is important for homeowners who want to protect their property investment. I’m aware that I haven’t experienced even a single minute of downtime because of an HVAC problem or repair in my 17th year in a row. That pretty much sums up how essential HVAC maintenance is to our heating and cooling systems.

electric furnace

The ductless heat pump is welcomed with open arms

The ductless heat pump is the reason why this winter has been so enjoyable. Undoubtedly, a 75-year-old man’s definition of fun may be very different from that of a person of younger age. A successful skiing trip or the ability to take advantage of a mild winter during which the heat pump is barely turned on can both be considered a blast of winter. These things are not at all like the things that have brought me joy this winter. Since I was able to spend so much time in the sunroom this winter, I was ecstatic. When we decided we weren’t going to retire in the south, we had the sunroom added on. We were sick of the winter weather, but moving away from our friends and family to enjoy the abundant air conditioning in the south just wasn’t an option. That ultimately turned out to be a deal breaker for us because we want to enjoy our friends and be an active, weekly part of the lives of our grandchildren. So, we remained there and built a sunroom. Being with them for most of the year has been wonderful. I didn’t particularly enjoy spending the winter there, though, before we installed the ductless heat pump. When the HVAC specialists installed the ductless heat pump, I definitely changed my mind. My realization that this HVAC equipment addition was going to change my life came to me after only a few days. I’ve slowed down significantly at this age. Not that I don’t appreciate the life I have, though. For me, it opened up an entirely new world when I received some heating from the ductless heat pump outside in the sunroom. I could observe the birds, animals, and activities in the neighborhood while sitting still. This is fantastic.



heating industry

Indoor air quality is important

I’ve been alive for 42 years, but I still learn something new almost every day.

  • Not even the time I spend in my office’s commercial HVAC system is included in that.

For me, an office is a place where I am constantly learning. To continue to be successful, I must always be advancing in my field. Even so, I frequently encounter subjects that I should be more knowledgeable about. Recently, I’ve learned a ton about how important good indoor air quality really is. This is a result of the fact that my girlfriend and I now share a house. Oh, I should have said that I have a new fiance. Although we haven’t decided on a date yet, we currently share my house’s central air conditioning. When it comes to indoor air quality and the HVAC, my future wife was the one who explained everything to me. In my mind, that was the main reason I changed the air filter each month. The cheap air filter I was using for the HVAC system, however, did nothing to purify the air. It was really only there to safeguard the HVAC machinery. We immediately changed the air filter to a HEPA filter after she arrived. We haven’t decided on a date yet, but right now we’re sharing my house’s central air conditioner. And when it comes to indoor air quality and the HVAC, it was my soon-to-be wife who took the time to explain everything to me. For myself, I believed that was the reason I changed the air filter each month. However, the cheap air filter I was using for the HVAC system didn’t actually do anything to purify the air. In actuality, it was only put in place to safeguard the HVAC machinery. We changed the air filter to a HEPA filter as soon as she arrived.

hvac repairman

Increasing HVAC as we build more of the house

Our new bathroom and bedroom are now equipped with a ductless heat pump

The fact that we dabbled in the housing market 18 months ago was all it took for us to realize that the time wasn’t right for us to purchase. We were nevertheless eager for more room and the advantages of a bigger house. We’ve been married for ten years, but it’s still early days. Moreover, we have been content to take advantage of the heating and cooling in our modest residence. Though it’s a small house, ours is located in a fantastic area of the city. And because that house was priced as is and needed work, we did a tremendous amount of the work ourselves. With a little assistance from some savvy friends, we completed almost everything. However, replacing the residential HVAC was handled by the HVAC specialists of course. Nevertheless, we didn’t know how long we would stay here and had limited resources. So instead of buying fancy equipment with lots of bells and whistles, we chose dependable heating and cooling systems. In our new home, we definitely wanted the new HVAC technology we skipped. The costs, however, were simply absurd. We could not envision going into debt in order to have a larger home with the HVAC technology we desired, even though we are undoubtedly making a good living now. Therefore, we didn’t move. However, when we added a brand-new, spacious bedroom, we did get some new HVAC technology. Our new bathroom and bedroom are now equipped with a ductless heat pump. We think it’s great and appreciates having more space in our apartment. There will come a time when we can afford a larger home with the most advanced HVAC systems. But in the interim, we’re content with the value the new addition brings.


Picking an air purification technique

When we first contacted the HVAC experts, we knew one thing for sure: we needed assistance.

After a year of attempting to control and manage the odors in our home, we finally sought the advice of professionals in indoor air quality.

In addition, we unquestionably learned a lot about indoor air quality. Even though we went there looking for a fix for our odors inside, we came away with a much better understanding of indoor air quality. Let the professionals in heating and cooling enlighten us. According to what we learned, odors are brought on by bacteria that are suspended in the air. We’ll keep dealing with odor issues unless we get rid of that bacteria. But there were a ton of other contaminants in the indoor air that we also had to deal with. I didn’t realize how much healthy indoor air can do for our immune and respiratory systems. Air purification was obviously a necessity for the future. However, we weren’t exactly sure what kind of air purifier we wanted. After receiving education from the HVAC experts, we started looking for air purifiers, which are not inexpensive. Additionally, the ones we were considering appeared to require a lot of work. It wasn’t appealing to think about having to move the air purifier around the house. The fact that we would need to clean the air filter for the air purifier on a weekly basis made the whole thing even less appealing. I wanted the advantages of air purification despite knowing I was too lazy to do all of that. So, we went back to the HVAC company, which gave us a whole-home air purification system that operates inside the HVAC machinery. There are no extra air filters to maintain, and it functions throughout the entire house.

indoor air quality

We'll save money with new HVAC technology

I kind of dread the end of winter most years.

I must admit that I’m still sad to see the best weather of the year-end. But when spring starts in February, that is what happens. I’m noticing trees starting to turn green while so many people are still suffering from a stifling cold that requires a gas furnace or a boiler. That indicates that it won’t be long before I have to deal with temperatures and humidity levels that require the heat pump’s assistance. Well, when it comes to air conditioning this year, I have a few new tools in my toolbox. I’m constantly looking for cooling methods and advice that will reduce my need for air conditioning. When the heat pump operates almost continuously from June through September every year, you have to. The HVAC technology I have this year, however, will make a significant difference. In the beginning, I installed a smart thermostat. When compared to my previous best efforts at managing the thermostat setting, this one action will likely save me more than 15%. And I’m watching that temperature setting like a hawk. The smart thermostat is that precise. A few mechanical blinds have also been added to the mix. As soon as the smart thermostat detects an increase in temperature caused by peak solar heating, it will sync with it and go into operation. Solar shades have never been used consistently by us, but now that will all change. Consequently, I can anticipate savings on air conditioning costs of perhaps close to 20% compared to last summer.

cooling technician

This winter, increasing the effectiveness of the heating

I improve with practice, just like almost everything.

For all of us, I suppose, that can be considered a universal truth.

I do, however, unquestionably believe in the power of experience to teach. As of right now, I’ve experienced three significant winters. The winter hasn’t exactly ended yet, even though it’s late February. But lately I’ve noticed a little less demand for heating. And so that keeps me eagerly anticipating the arrival of spring, which won’t be far off in the future. The HVAC professional’s visit to my home to perform the air conditioning tune-up will then be greatly appreciated. But up until then, I’ll spend the majority of my time indoors, enjoying a much cozier winter. When it comes to reducing my heating costs, it took me a few years to really understand how to do it. The gas furnace runs frequently up here, and it is not cheap. But this winter, by taking initiative to properly winterize my house, I was able to maximize the efficiency of the gas furnace. I looked around on the HVAC company’s website and discovered a wealth of advice on how to reduce my heating expenses. The first step was to prepare the house so that there is an overall good seal that keeps the heating in and the cold out. In fact, just a few weekend afternoons spent tidying up my home paid off. This winter, I’m spending less than 20% less on heating while still maintaining a comfortable temperature in the home. I’m determined to learn how to stay comfortable during this type of winter because, as I said, practice makes perfect.


Quality air conditioning

I can’t believe my husband left me here with these HVAC bills

I really still can’t believe that my husband has left me here in this house with all of these outstanding bills. The worst part of it is that we just got a new HVAC system installed in that house because it’s the one that he wanted! Now, he got up and left me and I’m just basically stuck here. I mean, first of all, we have been married for almost seven years and I never really thought that he would leave. I found out the other day that he was actually having an affair with some girl at the gym. He is such a ridiculous cliche. I told him that I was going to kick him out, but he left before I could do it! I’m just mad about the whole entire situation. I really wanted the satisfaction of throwing all of his clothes out into the yard, but he even took that for me when he snuck out. Now, I am stuck here living in this house where I don’t even want to be anymore. At least I have really great indoor air quality now because we just had a brand new heating and cooling system installed in the house. It even has a whole home air purification system with it. I don’t want to like it because he was the one who chose it, but I have to admit that it’s a really great HVAC system. I just don’t want to have to pay for it! I am going to be on the phone with my lawyer first thing this morning, that’s for sure. I’m going to take him for all that he is worth, and that includes getting him to pay for the HVAC system.


air purification system

The delivery driver for the HVAC company was late

I yelled to him to see if he might want to help with moving the furnace

The other day, the delivery driver for the HVAC company was really late when he showed up to our house. My husband was supposed to be there when he came so that he could help move the new furnace into the garage and unload it. Well, the delivery driver took so long to get to the house that my husband was already gone for the day! I was not really sure what to tell the delivery driver because there was no way that I could help him unload the furnace. I had back surgery not long ago and I’m not supposed to lift anything over ten pounds right now. The delivery driver for the HVAC company was very apologetic about the fact that he was late, but he said that he could not help it. He said that the tire blew out on the HVAC delivery truck and there was no way for him to get there in time. I felt pretty sorry for him, but I did not know what to do because we really needed to get the furnace, but we could not get it out of the truck. Unfortunately, he did not have his helper that he usually has right along with him, either. I started to wonder what we were going to do and I thought we were going to have to reschedule. But then, one of our neighbors from down the street came running by. He was out for his morning jog and he waved at me. This guy is strong and he works out all the time. I yelled to him to see if he might want to help with moving the furnace. He was happy to help! He even said that he could forgo lifting weights that day because he could count lifting the furnace instead.

oil furnace

The snowstorm tossed our a/c

My family as well as I made it safely through the hurricane, thanks to everyone who has asked about it! Based on the news footage, this whole state seemed care about a disaster area, however our city was 1 of the few arenas that was spared! Both of us got some heavy wind, as well as a lot of rain, however all of us live far enough away from the coastline that all of us didn’t get flooded! Although the lake house made it through the hurricane intact, I can’t say the same for our workshed. In the backyard I have a small structure that I use as a workshop, then half the back wall of the shed was missing, as was the portable a/c I had mounted in the window. It looked as if the hand of God himself reached down as well as plucked the a/c right out of the wall! All things considered I knew that having a disfigured shed as well as a missing a/c was still getting off easy from such a drastic storm, over the next few afternoons I tore down the rest of the shed, as well as without a shed I no longer needed an a/c. Then I was seeing the evening news, a special broadcast about the mangle the hurricane had caused the town, as well as I saw our a/c component again, then my outdated a/c was now wedged through the front windshield of an abandoned car! I was ecstatic to see nobody got hurt, because the winds of the storm had thrown that a/c almost a half a mile. Have you ever heard anything that wild?



cooling equipment