Author: Freddy

I put my essential oil diffuser near my HVAC air return

I never thought that I would become obsessed with essential oils like I am now. I always bought and burned candles in my apartment, especially during the winter holidays. My closet is full of boxes of votive and tea light candles in various scents from pine to peppermint. Although organic candles don’t have any potentially […]

Washable a/c filters can contaminate and damage your air handler’s components

Too often someone gets cheap just to save a dollar, and ends up spending much more in the long run with fixes, repairs, or replacements. My college roommate tried to forgo oil changes in his old Pontiac Grand Am. With over 300,000 miles on the engine, he could not afford to mix a single oil […]

Cleaning out dog food and pieces of dried food from our baseboard HVAC vents

I have tried to get my children more involved with chores and housework, but it’s difficult when they’re still in elementary school. They kept making excuses about “forgetting” to do their basic chores, so I made a huge display for the refrigerator in the kitchen. I even rotate some of the tougher chores like weed […]