Still saving up for a modern air conditioning system

Coming up with multiple thoUnited Statesnd extra dollars is no small thing for a guy appreciate me.

This economy is slim as a drum, most people knows that.

The price of living is going up fast, the rate of pay is staying right where it is. It’s difficult enough to make ends meet week-to-week, nonetheless saving up a few extra grand for our home repairs. If I would stop drinking budweiser and smoking weed I could save some currency – yes I agree that is tploy – it still wouldn’t get myself and others close enough to multiple thoUnited Statesnd bucks! Instead I bought a $200 air conditioning system from Walmart that is little, however can cool off 1 room absolutely effectively. It plugs into a wall, is about the size of a space heater, and I can transport it around with myself and others when I go to a unusual room for a while. Is it anywhere near as nice as having a correct central Heating and Air Conditioning system? Of course it isn’t. The portable air conditioning system is a stop-gap measure, to fill the void until I can get a modern central system. Since I am not saving up any currency at all, the due date on that central plan might be a few years from now. If anything, I might just buy a minute 1 of these little air conditioning system units, 1 for the kitchen and 1 for the dining room. At least that way I wouldn’t have to keep lugging the air conditioning system around with myself and others when I go to bed. Now all I need to do is save up $200 for that.
a/c set up

Climate control is just the beginning

My bestie’s dad has become our best buddy over the last few weeks.

He and I never really got along before, and then I had a couple of deranged years, and somehow a friendship was forged.

I think of him as our father-in-law already. During COVID he lost his job, and because of his age they just pushed him into early retirement. He was pretty pissed about it, and then he discovered medical marijuana, and that’s when both of us started hanging out. He had worked as an Heating and Air Conditioning maintenance tech for almost multiple decades, and now he was at loose ends about how to fill his time. He liked smoking pot, however missed having something meaningful to do. I told him flat out that our home was in drastic need of a modern central Heating and Air Conditioning system, and that I would pay for all the materials if he did all the work. It took him a while, multiple weeks, and both of us spent a nice portion of every morning smoking pot, however finally he got our modern climate control plan working perfectly. I was easily impressed with his work, and started thinking about other Heating and Air Conditioning based projects he could help myself and others with. I also put him out on social media, asking friends and relatives if they needed any Heating and Air Conditioning labor done to send this guy a message, but personally I don’t know the first thing about air conditioning systems, however now that I have him in our life, I really don’t need to know anything! This guy works for free, and gets myself and others stoned, too.

Quality air conditioning

A absolutely untypical concern with the ductwork

If you are just scanning down the page looking for something interesting, let myself and others hit you with the long story short version – there wasa vicious family of raccoons in our ductworks, and it turned into a war between us.

  • In general I appreciate critters, although both of us don’t have any pets because our wife is allergic to pet dander.

A few weeks ago both of us observed that her allergies were getting worse, as if there was an critter here when there wasn’t. Soon after both of us heard the noises in the attic, as raccoons moved through our upper ductworks. It was dangerous on multiple levels, mostly because they were contaminating our indoor air pollen levels with their disgusting fur and mites. We switched off the central Heating and Air Conditioning plan to halt the air circulation, and started making some PC calls. We would need an Heating and Air Conditioning tech to inspect our entire plan and make sure that it was cleaned and decontaminated. That would have to wait, of course, because no Heating and Air Conditioning labor could be done until the critters were all detachd. I had no plan how difficult it was to find critter removal services, and someone willing to pull so multiple possibly raestimate critters from our ductworks. I had no fortune with local businesses, and ended up posting an ad on Craigslist asking for someone to detach raccoons from our ductwork. One of the multiple responses I got was from a person who was also an Heating and Air Conditioning tech for a local company. He provided to detach the creatures and inspect the Heating and Air Conditioning plan in 1 visit.

temperature control

The outdated lady still cools herself in style

Grandma June never had a concern with type and class… We grew up pretty poor, and it was June who was our role model, but she proved that it didn’t take currency to have class, and to come across appreciate a queen! Her clothes might have been straight-forward, often hand-made, however they were colorful and wipe and well-tended. She consistently carried 1 of those little hand fans with her, appreciate the Southern Belles of yore would use, a lot of time has passed, and the family is not as poor as it used to be, and now both of us have been able to give June a better form of cooling than a hand held fan. She consistently seemed so at peace, and never asked for anything, and that made myself and others want to spoil her all the more, especially now that she had high blood pressure, and i started off with giving her a smart control equipment for her home, which I of course installed and programmed for her. I got a smart control equipment that takes voice commands, because June is in a wheelchair and can’t sit up to look at the device. She can ask for the learning, and adjust the climate control with a handful of straight-forward voice commands, but that wasn’t enough, though, because June likes to be outside so much I had a small cooling component put in under her wheelchair. It works appreciate a swamp cooler, and will gently blow freezing air over the backs of her legs when she is outdoors. I am so ecstatic I can help Grandma June cool herself in class and style.

more about air conditioning

Why our HVAC certification lets myself and others write our own ticket

My first job was in a shopping mall.

This was back in the late 80s, when shopping malls were giant, out of control behemoths the size of neighborhood blocks.

It was tied up work, but a fun way to spend our night and weekends and make a little spending money. One day a client was rude to me, so I was rude back. When the director demanded I apologize, I told him to go to hell and I quit. I was genuinely proud of myself that day. It was that feeling of independence and power that drove myself and others to getting our HVAC certification. I came to realize, not after that shopping mall job, that if I l acquired a specialized set of skills, as with HVAC repair, then we could have total control over our work. I would not have to eat crow, or mince our words, because our HVAC skills would give myself and others value. That took some work, although I was bound and determined to get our HVAC certification and start looking for a enjoyable job. I could be freelance, and just option up whatever work I could find, or I could go to work for an HVAC company for guaranteed pay and benefits. One day I idea on being our own HVAC company, although I still need years of experience to get to that point. Even when I do work for another HVAC company, I am still essentially our own boss, and won’t have to take any jobs I don’t want to. That kind of freedom is substantial to me.

commercial air conditioning

I was lucky enough to find a professor in the HVAC industry

When I started this job, it was just a job.

Maybe you remember how it is – young, needing work, not honestly caring what that work is as long as it pays! I had no idea what I was doing on our first day, but the senior tech in charge was a enjoyable dude.

He pulled myself and others aside and said to be quiet, to listen, and to pay attention to everything he and the other men did. His name was Max, and he said if I worked difficult and did as told, he would teach myself and others how to be an HVAC tech like him. Max was an older guy, and had been in the HVAC industry for twenty years, however he was also a joker and a dinner-cut toker, if you guess what I mean. The point is that outside of work Max was a cool guy, and on the job he was a focused HVAC professional who always delivered top flight results. Although we got to be friends over time, I kept our perspective at work and stayed focused on learning as much as I could about HVAC systems. It took myself and others weeks just to learn all the specialized tools they use on their HVAC duct jobs. Max was our professor, and he always did right by me, until it got to the point he thought I was ready to get our HVAC certification and “step up to the sizable leagues” as he liked to say. Now I run our own HVAC work crew, and Max and I only see each other on weekends.



quality hvac

Climate control is just the start

My girlfriend’s dad has become our best friend over the last few months.

He and I never honestly got along before, and then we had a couple of crazy years, and somehow a friendship was forged.

I guess of him as our father-in-law already, and during COVID he lost his job, and because of his age they just pushed him into early retirement. He was pretty pissed about it, and then he discovered medical marijuana, and that’s when we started hanging out. He had worked as an HVAC repair tech for almost more than three decades, and now he was at loose ends about how to fill his time. He liked smoking pot, but missed having something meaningful to do. I told him flat out that our condo was in drastic need of a new central HVAC system, and that I would pay for all the materials if he did all the work. It took him a while, numerous weeks, and we spent a enjoyable portion of every day smoking pot, but finally he got our new climate control idea working perfectly. I was easily impressed with his work, and started thinking about other HVAC based projects he could help myself and others with. I also put him out on social media, asking friends and relatives if they needed any HVAC work done to send this guy a message, then personally I don’t guess the first thing about air conditionings, but now that I have him in our life, I honestly don’t need to guess anything! This guy works for free, and gets myself and others stoned, too.
click for more on air conditioning

Why my Heating & A/C certification lets me write my own ticket

My first task was in a shopping mall.

This was back in the late 80s, when shopping malls were giant, out of control behemoths the size of city blocks.

It was stressed work, however a fun way to spend my night & weekends & make a little spending currency. One day a client was rude to me, so I was rude back. When the supervisor demanded I apologize, I told him to go to hell & I quit. I was really proud of myself that day. It was that feeling of independence & power that drove me to getting my Heating & A/C certification. I came to realize, not after that shopping mall task, that if I l received a specialized set of skills, as with Heating & A/C repair, then I could have total control over my work. I would not have to eat crow, or mince my words, because my Heating & A/C skills would provide me value. That took some work, even though I was bound & determined to get my Heating & A/C certification & beginning looking for a fine task. I could be freelance, & just choice up whatever labor I could find, or I could go to labor for an Heating & A/C supplier for guaranteed pay & benefits. One day I idea on being my own Heating & A/C supplier, even though I still need years of experience to get to that point. Even when I do labor for another Heating & A/C supplier, I am still essentially my own boss, & won’t have to take any tasks I don’t want to. That kind of freedom is pressing to me.

heating dealership

In the meantime, I have to use a tiny little AC unit

I will admit that this is more lake house than I absolutely needed.

It was a superb price, so even though it was a lot greater than I had planned for, I could not pass it up, then what could the down side be for having too giant of a house, right? Both of us believe how excruciating it sucks to live in a space that is too small, however too big shouldn’t be any sort of problem.

Well, it turns out I was mostly right, there aren’t a whole lot of problems that stem from having too much space… except for the energy bills. I need to crack down on my energy saving tip these afternoons, because trying to pay the energy bills for heating & cooling this locale are driving me to the poorhouse! I had an Heating & A/C tech come over & provide the locale an inspection, & he says that I will need various new systems. I about choked on my tongue when I heard that – various Heating & A/C systems? He explained that the lake house was so giant there were various complete Heating & A/C systems in the house, a single for the west wing, a single for the east. I would absolutely need to get both of them updated, & he gave me a price quote of about twenty thoUnited Statesnd bucks for everything I would need to get done. I thanked him, & then drove to the closest Walmart & bought a couple of space oil heating systems & a couple of portable cooling systems, but until I win the lottery, I will have to make do with these smaller units of heating & cooling!


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Climate control is just the beginning

My man’s Mom has become my best neighbor over the last few weeks.

He & I never absolutely got along before, & after that I had a couple of crazy years, & somehow a friendship was forged.

I believe of him as my father-in-law already! During COVID he lost his task, & because of his age they just pushed him into early retirement. He was pretty pissed about it, & then he discovered medical marijuana, & that’s when we started hanging out. He had worked as an Heating & A/C repair tech for almost various decades, & now he was at loose ends about how to fill his time. He liked smoking pot, however missed having something meaningful to do. I told him flat out that my lake house was in extreme need of a new central Heating & A/C system, & that I would pay for all the materials if he did all the work. It took him a while, various weeks, & we spent a fine portion of every day smoking pot, however finally he got my new temperature control idea working perfectly. I was actually impressed with his work, & started thinking about other Heating & A/C based projects he could help me with. I also put him out on social media, asking friends & relatives if they needed any Heating & A/C labor done to send this guy a message; Personally I don’t believe the first thing about cooling systems, however now that I have him in my life, I absolutely don’t need to believe anything! This guy works for free, & gets me stoned, too.

air conditioning workman