The dining hall AC broke down in summer

I always loved attending summer camp.

It meant meeting up with friends from across the country.

The camp was out in the wilderness, and most of our activities were outdoor. However, we stayed indoors when it got too hot to go exploring. Last year my parents drove me to the camp as usual. I was glad to see all my friends and meet other kids from different schools. We signed in and went straight to our rooms. After a bit of rest, it was time to head to the dining hall for lunch. It was so hot outside that I was looking forward to the cooling system in the dining hall. But, to my shock, it was hot and humid inside. The AC was broken, and repairs weren’t possible until the next day. The air in the hall was stuffy and hot, which made it hard to breathe. I was glad the rooms had suitable HVAC units, but we weren’t permitted to eat meals there. That meant I had to endure the sweltering heat until I was done with lunch. I heard from the other students that an HVAC technician had been contacted. But, the AC service had informed the administration that repairs would have to wait until the following day. I wondered what was wrong with the heating and cooling system. Perhaps the air filters were clogged, or some parts needed urgent replacement. I made a mental note to ask our teacher permission to converse with the air conditioner specialist the following day. I’d always been interested in electric devices, and the wall-mounted AC made my mind race with curiosity. My hope was I’d be allowed to watch the AC mechanic take apart the unit for inspection. I knew my teacher would agree since he always encouraged us to be curious and ask questions.


Air conditioning filter

A new baby means replacing the AC

Babies are demanding since there are lots of requirements to meet.

When I found out I was pregnant, I was afraid.

The pregnancy was a surprise, but my boyfriend was supportive. He was so excited at the thought of being a dad that he suggested we move in together. Both our apartments were small, so we had to search for a larger space. When I was six months pregnant, he found a great place, and we finally had our first home. It was in a fantastic neighborhood and had lots of backyard space. After we completed the move, he set about preparing the house for the baby, including setting up the best AC. He wanted everything to be perfect, and air ventilation was at the top of his list. An HVAC service in the city gave him a good offer. He managed to grab the last 3 in 1 air conditioner for the baby room. Not only was it a heating unit, but it also worked as a dehumidifier and air purifier. I was always giddy watching him read more about how the best HVAC would help the baby. The AC technician came around to install it, and my boyfriend couldn’t leave him alone. He wanted to know everything about it. It was a significant step on his part since the air ventilator would keep our baby comfortable. After installation, we spent time in the baby room testing the new HVAC system. It was the best and kept the room cozy. There was a remote control to operate the AC thermostat. But, we could also use an app to make adjustments when we left the room. It was a great feature since we could monitor the room temperature at any time. Additionally, the AC vendor informed us they were always available for 24-hour emergency repair if it ever broke down.


A new baby means replacing the AC

Finally found the HVAC leak in my home

I used to chalk up feeling cold in my home to the fact that I’m not exactly accustomed to this type of winter.

So I tended to just be cold or turn up the thermostat.

However, the heating bills would have been through the roof if we had let the gas furnace run the way we wanted to. We moved further north a few years ago in order to be nearer to our parents as they get older. Both sets of parents are within 30 to 45 minutes from where we live. And they are at the age that they need some help. We lucked out and found a wonderful older home. It had been newly renovated when it comes to the kitchen and the HVAC equipment among other aspects. But the house is still an older structure and it didn’t really dawn on me that this might be the reason for the heating problems. A neighbor loaned me an instant read temperature gun to find the heating leak. It took me a while but I finally found it. There was a window on the first floor that had no insulation at all. It’s like whomever put in that window just threw it in. And it wasn’t all that long ago because the previous owner had all the windows replaced with double pane windows. Now that I have that window all sealed up, I am hoping for some reprieve from the high cost of the heating. The gas furnace should run a lot less this year in order to make our home cozy warm.

Heating equipment

Making an HVAC checklist

There are times in each of our lives that we need to step up our game a bit.

For me, the household responsibilities have been falling through the cracks and that has to end.

Sure, I work a great deal in order to have the life that we enjoy. But that doesn’t mean that I can just come home each night and do nothing but soak up the air conditioning from the recliner. My wife works as well and it can’t be up to her to do all the stuff that needs doing around the house. This is why I am making a checklist of the different things that I need to do around the house. One of those checklists is comprised of my HVAC responsibilities. Traditionally, I have been the one to look after the HVAC equipment. However, I haven’t been doing the greatest job of late. That’s why I’m going the checklist route. And this isn’t some passive list that I can forget about. Nope, I’m making sure that I get alerts across all of my devices to remind me to do the heating and cooling chores that need to get done. Once a month, I now get an alert to change the air filter. This is perhaps the most important HVAC chore. A clean HVAC air filter is essential to optimum operation of the HVAC equipment. A clogged air filter results in less air flow and that’s so not good for the heating and cooling equipment. I was going to add an alert for the HVAC maintenance. But I joined the HVAC service plan offered by our HVAC company instead. That’s one less thing on my list.

Heating technician

Making a dream come true

We all make choices in our lives that end up dictating the paths we take.

For me, it was my passion for social work that had a lot to do with the way my life panned out.

By and large, it’s worked out well. I love the work I do and I work in a nicely appointed and HVAC maintained office. Plus, I even met my wife through my job. However, one drawback of what I do for a living is the salary. This is definitely not a field to get into if you are looking to get rich. The salary is okay but I had to deal with apartment life for far longer than I had ever expected to. That means many more years of loud neighbors and inadequate heating and cooling. However, that chapter of our lives is now over. But we are still not quite to the finish line just yet. The house we were able to afford came with a lot of needs. And since we are on a tight budget, we are the renovation crew. In fact, we are living in a camper just outside the house that we are renovating. We have a space heater in the camper and will hopefully be out of the camper before the heat of summer hits. In fact, we are getting our new HVAC equipment in the next week or so. The HVAC company is coming out to replace the heat pump and that will go a long way toward making our house a home. It’s going to be a dream come true to actually own our own house and live together comfortably thanks to good heating and cooling.


Space heater for sale

Wishing for residential HVAC comfort

It’s tough enough to sell your house.

But to live in a rental with poor HVAC equipment seems like a bit too much if you ask me.

However, there really isn’t all that much I can do about it right now. While I ask the rental office to have an HVAC professional come out to check the HVAC equipment, the keep sending their handyman. And this handyman is neither certified or trained to work on HVAC equipment. Thus, I get the same results after the guy leaves and that would be zero results. We are living in a rental for a few reasons. The biggest reason is that we sold our home. This was not an easy decision. That place was a great house and we got it for such a great price by getting in on that planned community early. Yet with the demand and the skyrocketing prices for homes in this area, we chose to sell it. This meant that we had to upgrade the HVAC equipment. And boy did we. That house now has state of the art heating and cooling equipment. On top of that, we had the HVAC company add zone controlled HVAC to the mix. So there are now 6 independent HVAC zones in the house. It sold quickly and we made a ton of money off the sale. So, it was a good idea that turned out really great as far as the money goes. I just wish we didn’t have to live in this rental for another six months. Hopefully, we’ll find the right place between now and then. But I promise you that I will have some great HVAC equipment in that new place.

energy saving tips

I didn’t think I would see my old electric fireplace again

There’s this old electric fireplace that I have always loved.

It looks incredibly realistic for a fake fireplace and it provides excellent heating.

The energy efficiency of the electric heating machine isn’t even that bad. Well, when my baby brother was heading off to college, I decided to give him my electric fireplace. He was so happy because he knew how much I loved that thing, and he always enjoyed using it from time to time as well. I told him I just wanted him to be comfortable while he was focusing on his studies. He later told me it was a good thing that I gave him that electric fireplace because he experienced some days at his dorm when it was way too freezing. Thanks to that electric fireplace, his roommate and him were able to stay nice and cozy on some of the most chilly days. When he was done with college, he got into a pretty good career as an architect. He ended up giving me my electric fireplace back and said it served him well during his school days. The thing was still working like a champ and I was really happy to have the electric heating system back. I never expected to get it back because it was basically a gift to my baby brother. The thing is, he didn’t need it anymore. The place he was living in had a very nice HVAC system and the temperature control settings in his place are always very comfortable. I definitely use the fireplace regularly though, especially when I am binge-watching tv shows.


heating company

It was the cutest thing when my daughter was concerned about the monster in the wall

The moment our daughter came into this world, I was filled with love in my heart.

I knew that I had to protect this baby with my life and make sure she had everything she ever needed.

This is why I had the HVAC company send an HVAC technician out to install a quality air purification system. I realized that our baby had to have the best air quality. I also invested in a bunch of HEPA air filters even though they were extremely expensive. My wife said I might be overdoing it, but I said that nothing was too good for our baby. It was funny when she started talking and she was scared when the HVAC system would turn on. She told me she thought there was a dragon inside of the wall. She said she put her ear to the wall and she could hear it breathing. She was afraid it was going to break out of the wall and gobble her up. This was so funny that I couldn’t help but laugh. She thought I was laughing that she might get eaten, but I had to explain that I laughed because it was just so absurd. After explaining to her what the word absurd meant, I then told her how the HVAC system worked. She seemed skeptical at first because she was pretty sure there was a dragon in there. I couldn’t convince her that dragons aren’t real, but I was able to show her how the HVAC system worked. I turned everything off and then had her adjust the thermostat. I said when she did this, the system would engage and she would hear what she thought was breathing. She started laughing when she adjusted the thermostat and it worked. She couldn’t believe it!

More about HVAC

The HVAC technician is good, but he has a serious attitude problem

I’m not really sure what to do right now about my HVAC system.

I mean, I’m really happy with the services that I am getting.

I’m getting a great deal to have all the HVAC system maintenance covered in my home, but the HVAC professional who regularly comes out has a serious attitude. It’s like this guy doesn’t like people at all. He doesn’t ever want to talk to me and he definitely doesn’t want to answer any questions. He always says to leave him to his work and he gets agitated when I ask him anything. I just want to know how my HVAC system is doing and he tells me that he would let me know if there were any issues. He’s right too, he has told me about a few things and parts that were wearing out, but he always keeps it short and simple. He always seems pained anytime he sees me too, like he’s just waiting for me to ask a dumb question and he’ll be ready to yell at me for not knowing something like what the MERV rating is for air filters. I actually did ask him that once when he said I needed to use better air filters with a higher MERV rating. He got mad when I asked that. He said he saw I had a computer and I could go look it up myself instead of making him waste his breath. I can’t really fault him for anything, only his attitude. He does excellent work and he knows his stuff. I have been tempted to ask the HVAC company to send somebody else out, but I’m not sure that I would get somebody better than this guy.


heating company

My brother should have just been honest with our father in the beginning

When my baby brother asked me if he could borrow money from me, I asked him what he needed money for.

He said he needed a little extra money to afford radiant heated floors for his house.

He said he would pay me back, especially since his energy savings would be huge. I unfortunately didn’t have the amount of money he needed, but I told him he could always ask our parents. He said he was afraid of that because our father was always strict, especially when it came to finances. He said that if Dad knew that he was just going to buy a new HVAC system with the money, he would probably never loan the money. Then he smiled and said he could just say that he needed a car, and it was important to be able to get around places, especially to and from work. I told him he shouldn’t lie about it, especially to our parents but he didn’t listen. The next thing I knew, my brother was getting radiant heated floors installed. I asked him if he told Dad the truth, but he actually did tell him that his car was shot and he needed the money for a new car. Our father didn’t hesitate to lend the money either. I asked him if he felt bad for doing that, lying to Dad. He said he did feel bad but he was going to come clean about it. When Dad came over to visit, he asked about where the new car was. Then he asked if there were radiant heated floors in the house. My brother came clean, and our Dad said that he should have been honest in the first place, he would have loaned the money.



Air conditioning expert