Storm damage caused issues at the daycare

Last month, we had a major storm come through the area and it caused a great deal of damage.

Several homes were damaged from the wind and rain.

Power poles were down everywhere and the electricity was shut down for two whole days. After the storm passed, several businesses were shut down for days. One of those businesses was the daycare where both of my children go to school each day. The director of the daycare called me first thing on Monday morning to report the power outage. Since the power was still out, they couldn’t heat or cool the building. They were using a generator to keep the lights working. Without central AC, the indoor temperatures were going to be unbearable. The director of the daycare suggested keeping the kids home. The place was going to stay open, but they warned me that the AC would not be working. They had a couple fans plugged into the wall, but it was still very warm and humid in the building. I had to go to work, so I dropped off the kids and drove away. At lunch time. My wife stopped by to pay the daycare bill for the week. She said it was ninety degrees in the building. The kids were flushed and red and they were panting. They seemed to be very dehydrated. My wife did not return to work. Instead, she took both of the kids home for the rest of the afternoon. We didn’t take the kids back to school until they fixed the problem with the indoor air quality.



Heating tune up

I bought an air purifier for my girlfriend to use

Both of my roommates use cannabis every single day.

They don’t smoke in the common areas of the apartment, but they do smoke cannabis in the bedroom.

The smell is all over the house. As soon as you open the door to our apartment, the smell and cannabis smoke is heavy. My new girlfriend complained about the cannabis smell. She didn’t like it at all, because she doesn’t use cannabis products. She didn’t want to come over to my apartment for dinner, because she said the whole place smells like weed. I told her that we could watch a movie and eat dinner in my bedroom, but she said that my sheets, pillows, and comforter all smell like stinky weed. I didn’t want my girlfriend to refuse to come to my apartment, so I had to figure out a solution to the problem. I bought some air fresheners like Glade and renuzit and I also bought some spray. Nothing helped much at all and most of the odors were just as awful as the weed smell. I finally bought an air purifier for the apartment. It’s small and portable, but it works really well. The air purifier has a washable and removable air filter to trap germs, bacteria, and best of all odors. I surprised my girlfriend with the unique gift last night. She immediately suggested that the two of us head back to my place for a movie and dessert. The air purifier removed most of the odors after two hours, but the place smelled like a hospital room after 24 hours of continuous use.

Smart HVAC

The customer thought he knew the answer

I responded to a service request for AC help.

I picked up the help ticket from the main HVAC repair building and I put the address in my GPS. I read all of the information on the ticket. The customer called because the AC unit wasn’t cooling well. This type of problem occurs frequently when the weather is very hot or humid. The outdoor temperatures are always hot and humid during the spring and summer months. When the temperatures are particularly hot, the moisture can cause problems for the AC unit. I knew there were a couple of things that I could do to investigate the problem.I arrived at the address a couple of minutes before the scheduled appointment time. I talked to the owner of the house who was an older man around 50 years old. Instead of letting me check the situation for myself, the guy started telling me all about that AC unit. I told the gentleman that it is easier for me to look at the system and form my own opinion. The customer became rude and belligerent. Thankfully, the guy’s wife was there to calm him down. She took the guy outside to talk about something, while I was trying to investigate the HVAC system for errors and flaws. I wasn’t trying to disrespect the customer, but I know how to do my job and I work better without a bunch of comments and unwanted help. The problem was a low amount of refrigerant and not at all what the owner of the house expected. He didn’t say a word when I presented the facts and evidence and estimate for services.

a/c installation

The radiant heated floors were a gift to my new bride

When my wife and I met 10 years ago, both of us were staying at a Ski Lodge.

We were sitting by the fireplace in the middle of the lodge.

It was about 5° outside and it was snowing heavily. I wanted to be on the slopes riding my snowboard, but the weather made it impossible. Jenny and I were both sitting by the fireplace when our eyes met. I bought her a hot chocolate and the two of us talked until the middle of the night. One of the things that we talked about was the radiant heated floors. Since it was very cold outside, the topic of heat came up more than once. During our conversation, my wife mentioned how much she would love to have radiant heated floors in her home. I never forgot about that conversation because it was one of the first things that we ever talked about. When I proposed to Jenny, I started thinking about our house. I decided to start looking for a property with radiant heated floors. Jenny and I had not talked about radiant heated floors and years, but I knew it would be a great surprise if I found something in our budget. A few weeks before we got married, I surprised Jenny with the house of her dreams. I took her to see the two-story Victorian Cottage with stained glass windows. When she saw the radiant heated floors throughout the home, she was even more in love with me than before. We bought the house 12 hours later and we still live in that place today.

Cooling and heating company

What is a thermostatic expansion valve?

An HVAC system comprises a wide range of parts.

Each one plays a vital role in ascertaining that your system keeps your household as comfortable as possible while running efficiently.

One of the least known components of your air conditioning system is the thermostatic expansion valve. Your air conditioning system cools your living space using a refrigerant. The refrigerant absorbs heat from your indoor air, allowing the distribution of cool air into your home. A thermostatic expansion valve, which typically comes with new high-efficiency units, controls the amount of refrigerant traveling through your air conditioning system based on your cooling requirements. The more your cooling needs reduces, the lesser the amount of refrigerant flowing through your unit. Your thermostatic expansion valve works to ensure the proper amount of refrigerant is used at any particular time. That said, a thermostatic expansion valve is an air conditioning and refrigeration throttling device that controls the amount of coolant injected into your system’s evaporator coil, based on the pressure and temperature of the evaporator outlet, referred to as the superheat. Thermostatic expansion valves, also referred to as flow controllers, are designed to adjust the refrigerant flow into your evaporator for only vapor to leave the evaporator. It would be best if you maximized the refrigerant liquid proportion in your evaporator to achieve the optimal heat transfer efficiency for your evaporator at the same time. The thermostatic expansion valve responds indirectly to the vapor superheat in your evaporator outlet. It comes with multiple benefits other than saving you money from refrigerant efficiency. It also enhanced your temperature control and protected your compressor.



Heating corp

Reasons why my mum thinks i’m good with HVAC systems

I hardly miss out on an opportunity to showcase my love for mechanical and electrical appliances.

Often, I take on most appliance repair tasks at home.

At first, my dad was a bit hesitant on letting me work on electrical and mechanical appliances because of the risks involved. However, he gradually let me try my hand in home appliance repairs under his strict eye after learning my love for appliances surpassed my fear of being electrocuted. He began by teaching me about electrical safety measures. I picked up on it quickly and moved on to learning more about home electrical appliance repairs. This too, wasn’t hard for me to master. While at it, I developed a unique interest in HVAC systems. I was fascinated by how HVAC systems maintained a desired indoor air quality and temperature even in the harshest weather conditions. To satisfy my curiosity, I walked into HVAC supplier shops in our locality, and visited HVAC contractor shops to learn all I could about HVAC units. Fortunately, I met an HVAC technician who was surprised by my interest in appliances and he decided to teach me more about HVAC units. He would take me with him for HVAC system repairs during the weekends. He did most of the hard work while I watched and learned. I tried to ask him for a chance to try my hand in actual fixing the HVAC system, but he turned me down. However, he allowed me to work on an old unit in his workshop to improve my skills. This meant that the only chance I had to test my HVAC repair skills in the real world was with my parent’s HVAC system. Even though dad was strict, he allowed me to handle minor repairs under his watchful eye.

air purification system

How to test humidity in your indoor space

A humidity test gives information about the amount of water vapor or moisture in your home.

Too little or too much humidity can lead to a variety of issues for your home and family.

To ensure that your home has the right level of humidity, more so during the months that have the windows closed, carry out some simple visual tests, or use your hydrometer to test the relative humidity of your home accurately. To test humidity in your indoor space, start by choosing between a mechanical or electronic hygrometer. While a mechanical one responds to your home’s humidity levels if left in one position out of drafts and sunlight, an electric hygrometer utilizes batteries. It has a liquid crystal display and a plastic case. Prepare your mechanical hygrometer for calibration by adjusting the pointer. An electronic one does not require this adjustment. Mix ¼ cup tap water and ½ cup table salt in a container until the salt dissolves. Put your mechanical hygrometer and your solution inside a plastic bag out of direct sunlight in an area void of drafts. Leave them in the sealed bag for 8 to 12 hours, then check your hygrometer’s dial to see if the pointer is at 75%. If not, take note of the variance between 75% and its reading. Then Adjust your hygrometer to 75% if it’s adjustable, using the knob or screw adjustment. You will need to follow your manufacturer’s instructions to use your electronic hygrometer. Check the setting on your hygrometer to ascertain the relative humidity of your home.


air conditioning provider

Advantages of emergency HVAC services

The heating and cooling system is one of the fundamental parts of your home or business.

Without proper HVAC system support, the performance of your system may deteriorate, consuming more energy and increasing energy bills.

Issues such as your air conditioning system burning out on a hot summer day or gas leaking near your furnace are critical. They could cause severe damages if not addressed immediately. For these reasons, it makes sense to contact a professional HVAC company so that they can handle any HVAC emergency and keep your home or business comfortable all through the year. With emergency HVAC services, you’ll get less downtime. In an HVAC emergency, you’ll need to turn off your system, and in worst-case scenarios, evacuate your home or business entirely. This downtime can cause your business a considerable amount of loss as you will be unable to provide your services. Emergency HVAC services will be there to remedy these kinds of situations in no time, reducing your downtime. Emergency HVAC services are available 24/7. Since disaster can strike from any angle, at any time, when you least expect it, an emergency service is a vital necessity. You will need a dependable source of HVAC support ready at all times. Be sure your HVAC company has a 24/7 support system before signing your service agreement. You will also achieve optimal working conditions as your HVAC technician will ensure that your system is running at peak efficiency when an emergency with your HVAC system is fixed. Since emergency services cost lower than full-scale installations, you’ll save money and boost the longevity of your HVAC system.


Heat pump maintenance

Both of us savor our ductless Heating plus Air Conditioning system!

I have regularly suffered with dust irritations that is why I was excited to buy a house with ductless Heating plus Air Conditioning.

With my old house, it didn’t matter how often I had the HVAC duct cleaned, I still regularly had dust irritations.

Even though HEPA filters did little to help. Both of us happened to be in the market for a modern house anyway plus then I came across this gem. It had everything the people I was with and I wanted plus it had a ductless Heating plus Air Conditioning program so the people I was with and I bought the house. Of course the people I was with and I could have just had a ductless Heating plus Air Conditioning program installed in our old house but I am so cheerful that the people I was with and I didn’t have to. Both of us actually savor our modern house. Both of us moved in 4 months ago plus my dust irritations have been so much better. I suppose that the ductless Heating plus Air Conditioning program is largely responsible for this fact. Although, having no carpeting in the house helps some too. I actually wish the people I was with and I had found this house earlier. I suppose I have already said it but I actually savor the ductless Heating plus Air Conditioning system. It is not only because of the flu symptom thing either. I savor the ductless Heating plus Air Conditioning program also because it is a zoned Heating plus Air Conditioning. That means that the people I was with and I can set the thermostats differently in every room of the house if the people I was with and I wanted too. This is nice because the people I was with and I savor our kitchen colder than the rest of the house. Before the people I was with and I accomplished this with portable air conditioning in the kitchen or space gas heating systems in the residing room, but now the people I was with and I can store those things away plus just adjust the temperatures in our kitchen.

Wifi thermostat

Portable cooling system for horse camping

Most horse people have a lot of money, however you kind of have to in order to afford a horse; Well, I don’t have a lot of money.

I am not dead broke either but I am doing all I can do to afford to keep food in my belly as well as in my horse’s belly.

I board my horse as cheaply as possible as well as I rent a tiny apartment for myself, but that is why I always jump at great bargains. I recently purchased a horse trailer with a little increasing room for just a few hundred dollars. I have always wanted to have a trailer of my own so I can go horse camping. The only real issue with the trailer is that it has no cooling system. In this section it would be hard to sleep in a metal trailer with not cooling system. I suppose someone who installed a window cooling system component in her horse trailer as well as it looks terrible. I was looking for an alternative when I came across portable cooling systems; On the a single had a portable cooling system take up a lot more upscale space inside of the increasing room. On the other hand, I was able to cut a much smaller hole in my trailer in order to accommodate the portable cooling system, and additionally, the portable cooling system works so well that I can get my little sleeping space down to about 60 degrees rather suddenly no matter how hot it is outside. I can’t wait to take it camping now, however both of us will have so much fun.


a/c worker