Can’t have smart thermostat, my schedule is too weird

I really appreciate when my family tries to exchange gifts on holidays, but I also wish that we could just move past this tradition.

We are all grown adults with enough personal resources to purchase anything that we want in life.

When the holiday season rolls around, we wind up trading a bunch of useless garbage that nobody actually wanted in our attempts to be kind to one another. I understand how it happens… I also wish that my family would stop giving me gadgets I don’t need, like this smart heating, cooling, and air quality control equipment device. For whatever reason, on Christmas I received a smart thermostat from my mom. I know that she was trying to be nice because I have complained in the past about my uneven temperatures, high energy bills, and unreliable thermostat device. However, I really did not want a smart air temperature control unit. I don’t think that the temperature programming device could possibly serve me any good, because I do not have a schedule that artificial intelligence is capable of understanding. Supposedly, the big advantage of having a smart thermostat is having an air temperature control device that automatically adjusts to your own schedule and establishes your heating, cooling, and air quality control settings for you. The problem is, I don’t have a schedule. Sometimes I wake up at 6 a.m. and sometimes I’m not going to bed until the same time. I never know how my indoor air temperature system should be programmed, because I never know how I am going to be programmed. I understand that smart thermostats help a lot of people… But first I need to figure out my own lifestyle.
a/c care program

I am ready to be spoiled by an HVAC service plan

Of course with the excellent work that they regularly do, you likely will never need to use HVAC emergency services

My cousin is pretty funny at times. I was actually surprised the other day when he said he texted his HVAC professional and he was on the way to take care of the HVAC system maintenance. I learned that he is actually on an HVAC service plan and they have very flexible communication options. He tells me that sometimes they call him, sometimes he calls them, sometimes they email, and sometimes they do text messages. Usually when I deal with the HVAC company, I just talk on the phone. They never call me though. That’s because of his HVAC service plan where they are happy to set up service appointments. They never forget either, so that’s a pretty cool thing. I might end up getting into an HVAC service plan myself especially after hearing some of the awesome benefits. He gets priority scheduling and you don’t even have to pay extra for emergency HVAC services. Of course with the excellent work that they regularly do, you likely will never need to use HVAC emergency services. My cousin says that if I sign up for an HVAC service plan, be prepared to be spoiled. According to him, those guys always aim to please and they go above and beyond. If that’s really the truth, I just wish that I would have done something like this sooner to have my HVAC system in perfect working order with numerous benefits.
Dual fuel system

It was a romantic rainy night

It was a rainy day when my girlfriend called to say her power went out at her building.

Fortunately, the power was on at my building and I told her to come on over.

I adjusted the temperature control settings to how I knew she liked them. Then I pulled out the fireplace. It was not a real fireplace of course because it was in an apartment building, but it was one of those faux fireplaces. I still thought it was romantic with the music playing and a couple of bottles of chilled wine. My girlfriend was really happy when she showed up and said she wanted to watch old movies together. We watched a movie and laughed while drinking our wine. She actually asked if I could turn down the heating system a little bit. I guess it was too hot after all, but I think it was nice for her at first when she just stepped out of the rain. Now she was dry, cozy, and a little too overheated apparently. So I adjusted the temperature control settings and then the room started to feel just right. It was a truly relaxing evening and perhaps one of the most simple and romantic evenings we have ever enjoyed together. One of these days, I plan on asking her to marry me. I think she would love for that to happen as well even though we never really talked about it. Eventually I want to live together with her in a nice rural house with a fireplace and a couple of kids.


Energy saving help

Old coins I found were worth a small fortune

One day when I was cleaning the basement, I looked at a wall that was kind of deteriorating.

I decided to hit it with a sledge hammer and I knocked that wall down.

I figured I would just replace the wall, but there was another wall behind that wall. On the other wall there was an actual door. The thing about this wall was it was made out of stone and the door was an ancient wood door. I opened the door and it was an interesting sight. There was an old fireplace and a few old relics I found on the ground. It seemed that my house used to have some kind of area where they must have had a chimney. I have no idea what the room was used for, but I found some really ancient coins. I had no clue about what they were worth or anything until I had them appraised. I was amazed when they were worth a small fortune. I was able to sell the coins and then I had enough money to upgrade my HVAC system like I always wanted to do. I decided to have a geothermal HVAC system installed in my house because these HVAC systems last for so long and they are friendly towards the environment. I’m really glad that I decided to break down that old wall or I would have never found that other room back there that had all of the valuable coins and I wouldn’t have my awesome new HVAC system. My energy bills have been lower than ever before.



Heating and air conditioning system

I woke up when my A/C system quit working

It’s probably a good thing that the A/C system quit running last night.

  • I actually had to wake up early for work and I adjusted the clocks for daylight savings.

Well, early this morning the A/C system quit working and I woke up because I was starting to sweat. I looked at the thermostat and realized that the batteries had died. So I replaced the batteries and I was able to get the A/C system cranked up again. That’s when I looked at the clock in my room and realized that it was way off! It was already showing 9am and it was actually more like 3am. I had to adjust the clock so that I would be able to get up at the right time in the morning. And to think if it wasn’t for that thermostat dying and causing the A/C to shut off, I would have never gotten up on time. I told my buddy about what happened when I got to work and he laughed out loud. He laughed so loud that other people were curious as to what was going on. Then everybody was laughing and I told everybody it was all over now and to get back to work. Admittedly though, it was kind of funny how that worked out. But still, my boss would have killed me if I showed up late to work. I don’t think he would have fired me, but I would have looked bad and I would have been reprimanded. That’s never a comfortable experience.


Cooling system

Got the neighbors to leave by shutting off the power

I was so glad that my husband got these people to leave and soon after they left we put the power right back on.

We have this light switch in our house that we keep covered with tape because it causes the main breaker switch to shut off. We kept shutting off the power in the house on accident until we decided to keep that particular light switch covered with the tape. Eventually, we had some neighbors over for dinner. The dinner seemed to be alright at first, but then it turned into a political argument. Also, the neighbors were complaining about the temperature control settings. I wanted to tell these people to leave my house because they weren’t going to treat me with disrespect, but I couldn’t find the strength to tell these people to leave. Then my husband said he had to go to the bathroom. When he was gone, the power shut off. I suddenly knew what happened. We were all there in the dark and my husband came back with some lit candles. The place started to become overheated because the A/C system was not working. Finally, the neighbors said it was too overheated and said they would be on their way. I was so glad that my husband got these people to leave and soon after they left we put the power right back on. I was happy when the A/C kicked back on and it was starting to cool back down and feel comfy again. My husband and I just decided to watch a relaxing movie and then head off to sleep. Right before dozing off though, I made sure to crank the A/C a little more on the smart thermostat via my smartphone. I love having a smart thermostat.


More about air conditioning

Long drive from my friend’s house

It wasn’t long ago when I was driving from a friend’s house to get home at night.

My friend lives far away and I ended up getting lost.

I didn’t have GPS or anything but at least I had my temperature control settings just right so I could be comfortable. It was really chilly outside and the heating from the heating system felt really nice. Eventually I got frustrated when I realized that I wasn’t on the road that I thought I was supposed to be on. I ended up parking somewhere and had a look at my phone to pinpoint exactly where I was and where I needed to go. I actually saw that there were GPS apps for my phone and I decided to download one before I started driving again. I was amazed because the GPS app worked pretty well and I was able to get home from there without any more issues. I was so happy when I finally made it home. Unfortunately, I forgot to adjust the temperature control settings on my smart app before I arrived, so my house was pretty chilly. I wasn’t disappointed though because it gave me a good reason to get a fire going in the fireplace. The fire felt great right away and I relaxed there while the house was warming up. I wanted to just relax, take a hot shower, and then head off to bed. It was a long night for me and I was feeling so exhausted. I was even thinking about skipping the shower and just taking one in the morning.



Air conditioning professional

I would love to own a house in a rural area

I remember when I was young and my parents were split up.

I ended up moving to this house in the country with my mother.

She had so many complaints about the house. She complained about the oil furnace all of the time and how much it cost to refill the oil numerous times through the winter. She also complained that everything was far away and we always were having to refill the gas tank for the car and her commute to work was long. I always tried to look at the bright side though. Even though I had to take it easy with the temperature control settings when I was home by myself or with some friends, I enjoyed the place. I liked the old rustic look of the property and I appreciated that we had numerous places around to go hiking and get fresh air. Also this place had excellent air quality. Of course it was a rented house, but I always wished I could own a place like that. I personally would probably upgrade the HVAC system to a ductless mini split and I would like to have solar panels to run everything in the household. I feel like that would be the ultimate dream come true for me. My mother and I ended up moving to the city, and that’s where I have been. I just want to get a good career and save up enough money to buy a nice house with a fireplace, and a nice HVAC system with my solar panel set up.



No risk of carbon monoxide poisoning with geothermal HVAC

I have to admit that the upfront cost was way up there, but at least I will save big on my taxes with the tax break for green systems like geothermal HVAC systems

One day I decided to go to a new HVAC company that just opened up. I was really glad that I went into this place because they had numerous HVAC systems on display. They had smart thermostats of all models and they were absolutely amazing. They even had an area that showed the function of radiant heated floors. There were helpful HVAC professionals there to explain how different HVAC systems worked, what were the energy efficiency ratings, and they even offered free consultations. I wasn’t even thinking about getting a new HVAC system yet, I just wanted to see what the place was like. I ended up getting a free consultation and I learned a lot about geothermal HVAC systems. I decided that I wanted this type of HVAC system to create less pollution in the environment and have a much higher energy efficient HVAC system. After I had the new geothermal HVAC installed, I was quite impressed with the enormous energy savings. I have to admit that the upfront cost was way up there, but at least I will save big on my taxes with the tax break for green systems like geothermal HVAC systems. I would encourage more people to go for this type of HVAC system so that we have less pollution in the environment. Even if that’s not something that interests you, you could at least do it for the safety of your family. Geothermal HVAC pulls the heating energy from the ground and there is no combustion involved; therefore no risk of carbon monoxide poisoning!



Air conditioning worker

Radiant Heated Flooring In The Bathroom

When our house was under construction, there was a severe rainstorm that completely flooded the first floor.

  • We scheduled the construction for the driest time of year, so the random rainstorm that we experienced was a complete shock to everyone.

There was a temporary roof on the second floor addition we were adding, but it collapsed with the heavy rain. For the past 8 months, our house has been under construction, trying to rebuild everything that was damaged. Thankfully, we had homeowners insurance that covered everything. I wasn’t planning on remodeling my home, but the flooding left me no choice. One of the rooms that was hit the hardest was the master bathroom. We had to remove everything back to the studs and basically start from the ground up. While picking the new finishes, my husband and I decided to treat ourselves to heated flooring in the bathroom. We hated stepping out of the tub or shower onto a cold floor. Our bathroom is naturally cooler than the rest of the house too, which made it extra hard to get out of a hot shower. The radiant heated flooring was the perfect luxury. One of the best parts about the new heated flooring in the bathroom is that they’re connected to a timer. We have the timer set to turn on the heated flooring right before we wake up and in the evening. The radiant heated flooring will turn on automatically to warm up our feet. We can’t believe we lived this long without heated flooring!



Electric heat pump